Here's my 2 examples. Both were when I was in the military 15 years ago, so I guess the officers went easy on us. This was a long time ago so no lectures please.
1) Me and buddy were driving (intoxicated) at about 90-100 mph into Las Vegas with open alcohol in the vehicle, which we stashed under the seats. Actually, on the long desert road which leads into Las Vegas. The officer pulled us over and asked us why we were heading into Vegas. We told him we were in the military and were just there to gamble. He asked if we would open our trunk for him, which we said yes. We opened it, he looked around and looked under the trunk carpet. He then told us to slow it down a little and be careful and turned us loose. The whole episode from stopped car to taking off again was probably less than 3 minutes.
2) Me and car load of military buddies was driving about 100-110 mph down a road when I decided to pass a slower car. Right as I passed the car, I realized that an officer was writing a ticket to another driver on the opposite (oncoming) side of the road (2 lane road). I flew by the officer with what I would say was under 2 feet of clearance between my car and his body, at over 100 mph. I drove into the local town and tried to hide by going down a bunch of different streets. But he ended up finding us. He gave us a lecture for almost a 1/2 hour before turning us loose.
How about you guys? Any stories from when you were young and foolish? Or maybe you're young and foolish now....