
....Worst way to die?

by  |  earlier

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I think being burnt alive or eatin by a pack of wild dogs. Or being crucified, eye-lids sown shut, the palms of my hands skinned and dowsed with alcohol (as well as my feet) and thighs, while being continually stung by killer bees.

Whoever can be the most creative gets the best answer ;|




  1. eaten alive by sharks,dying in a explosion or body sliced off by a chainsaw

  2. To go to Amazon river for a bath & meet with ((((((("piranhas" ))))))))) .

  3. this is pretty demented...HOWEVER!

    I think the worst way to die would be to bungee off of a cliff have the rope snap and on your way down you are being stung by scorpians gathered while falling through painful thorn shrubs, and finally when you hit the ground and die you have p**p on you but when they give the autopsy they find out you pooped before you died.

  4. Old age. It's like leprosy.  

  5. thoses are some good morbid ways to go, but I think being chained to a block of cement  and tossed overboard into the ocean or a very deep lake.or maybe tied to a chair and have a plastic bag put over your head or slowly being dismembered piece by piece

  6. how about being tortured with acid.

    Or how about throwing rocks, and stoning someone to death.

    Or how about running half of someones body over and over and over. unitl they die.

    I think they actually some of  that stuff in Iran or Iraq to torture people for stealing.  
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