
Worth going to sleep now?

by  |  earlier

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My sleeping patterns are totally screwed up...sometimes i always sleep yet other times i hardly sleep at all.

Right now it's 5.50a.m so do you think i should just stay up the rest of the night and either sleep in the day or just stay up then too? Or should i go to bed?

I think my body's getting a little tired cause my eyes are beginning to shut but my mind is completely awake. SO i doubt i'd be able to sleep...

Hmmm...what are your opinions?




  1. Well Ive heard its better at that point to just stay up if your going to get up soon. Otherwise, go to sleep if you have enough time to get a good rest in.

  2. i'd go 2 sleep

  3. it is better if you stay up than sleep for a while becuase if you were to sleep that while and get up you would feel like **** but if you stay awake its better so you get tired later and try and fall asleep when your supposed to.

  4. Stay up and just go to bed early tomorrow night.

  5. go get a not perscription sleep aid, it silences those rampaging voices that make sleep inpossible, basicallly it tells your mind don't worry we'll deal with this tomorow and your mind is like ok, zzzzzzzz. just don't take them every day, and i would suggest you set a time to go to bed and get up then start a little bed time ritual like shower, brush teeth, read an hour, sleep. that way when your body gets use to this series of events is a signal for time to rest it makes going to sleep easier.  

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