Ok, I'm a fresher at uni, just arrived last week. I really would like to play university rugby, and I'm quite toned and muscular.
However, the problem is my height - being only 5"9 means that my 'muscular' size is a mere 170 pounds/12 stone/75kg (12-13% body fat.) While this sounds v. good compared to the average person and I look gd with my shirt off etc. I know that the large majority of rugby players are 6 foot + weighing over 220 pounds (15 stone/105kg) so, despite being strong against the average person, if I go to the trials would I just humiliate myself and look like a rag doll against these guys?
As far as skill goes, I'm alrite at rugby - played it a bit at skl, but some of talent came from the fact that most of my team didn't go to the gym, so I was one of the strongest. I've heard uni rugby is a completely different game.
What do you guys think? There are three teams (1st XI - 3rd XI) so I'd love to make one of them. At 5"9 and a lean 170 pounds, am I large enou