
Wots your thoughs on this dude who locked his daughter in his sellar for 24 years?

by  |  earlier

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  1. disgusting. and the fact that it went undetected for years and years is just frightening. not even his own wife nor other children even knew about the girl living under their OWN house. i was looking at pictures however, the guy had a nice set up going for what it was, i mean it provided working bathroom and burners to eat. minus the no windows or never leaving part.

  2. Do the kids look like the people of the Hills have eyes? Its just sick

  3. he's evil and should be tortured for the rest of his life.  I know that's wrong, but that's what I first felt.

  4. I can't believe this heinous crime as gone undetected for so long. Very worrying that Josef 73 thought this was normal behaviour. The Natasha Kampusch case was greatly publicized with a huge amount of media attention.

    It was also in the same country, very disturbing!!!

    You would have thought after the Natasha Kampusch release from captivity, it would of had an impact on this man's mind and morality. It should have made him think, that what he was doing was horrendous.

    I just hope that these children can now recover and integrate

    successfully in society...

  5. its sick and wrong! he had s*x with her! its awful.

  6. he's a dumbas$--what else is there to say?

    Unfortunately there are way too many people like him in this world..and hopefully a lot is being done to eliminate them.

  7. First: thanks for the link to the whole story.

    I had only heard bits, here and there about it.

    First I can not believe the wife knew nothing about, her daughter in the basement for 24 years.

    She needs to be charged in this incident also.

    Secondly I know this man was arrested, but the most appropriate "sentence" for this man is him to be locked up for 24 years, in a basement. Then sexually assaulted repeatedly by some big, strong, bodybuilding woman. The article did not say anything about Elisabeth being beaten. But numerous males and females should beat him also, every day several times a day.

    The only added note is, I hope Elisabeth and all the kids are all right.

    They are the innocent victims of this whole ordeal.

  8. punishment as per islamic laws only is right for such guys.

    i will tell you what needs to be done for him

    tie him in a pole and stone him for one hour continuosly. and then give treatment so that he doesnt die. continue this everyday until his natural death.

    electric chair or 200 yrs in prison punishment will never work.

    because of this punishment there is no guarantee that others wil not do this. but for his cruel nature this punishment should be given to him.

  9. There's going to be so many mental issues that poor girl and her 7 children will have to deal with. I mean how can she continue in life? How will she get a job? Her children will be uneducated and mental unstable, she won't be able to care for 7 children, no normal woman can let alone someone who's been in a cellar for 24 years.

    It's absolutely awful that due to police and social ignorance, that something this horrific has happened.

    what do you think?

    I think he should be tortured for eternity and kept alive for as long as possible. He should swim in vomit and have to chop off his own limbs. He should be starved then stuffed and beaten then saved.

  10. An had seven children through her. Curiouser and curiouser but generally sick about such a person

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