
Would 100kms be a reasonable one day cycling distance?

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I've been working up to some long cycling trips and I'd like to get to the point where I'm confident doing mutliday trips at 100kms or so per day. Does this sound reasonable? what do others do for riding distances?

todays ride for example.. 58.6km..3hours 6min with breaks.with an average speed of about 20km/hour





  1. that's a very managable goal.  learn to eat and drink so you can keep your body working correctly, and that should be a reasonable distance.

  2. Absolutely, no problem.

  3. We go long distance touring and on century day rides all the time--100 miles which converts to roughly 160 kilometers.  So 100 km converts to roughly 62.1 miles--yes, highly doable.  

    For leisurely rides and long distance (multiday) touring, with lunch and lots of rest,water and sightseeing breaks, we usually average 12-14 miles per hour, so figure on roughly 5-51/2 hours to ride 100 km.  

    A word of warning for multiday rides.  Your butt will usually give out long before your legs do, so get used to your saddle first by spending lots of time in it.  Other than that, if you've already worked up to almost 60 km, shouldn't be a problem.

    Enjoy your trip!

  4. It's do-able, but you need to be fit! Or if you're not fit, you need to be taking it slow with lots of breaks.

    Work your way up to it - try aiming for 60km without breaks as a starting point. I don't know what you're base fitness it but don't push yourself too far if you're not that fit and remember to take more water and energy snacks with you.

  5. That's quite a bit of miles for a leisure rider. It can be done, but it won't be easy. You'll have to work your way up to it some more. I'm an avid cyclist and I ride that on any given day. Even for me, it's work. It takes me about 3.5 hours but It's still a lot of work.

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