
Would 6 more years of warrantless wiretapping be a good thing for our country?

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Senator Kit Bond, Republican of Missouri, is now proposing a complete overhaul of FISA. He calls it a "compromise". It includes unlimited warrantless wiretapping for the executive branch for the next six years and also grants retroactive immunity to the telecom companies that helped the Bush Administration wiretap us without the warrants required by FISA.

Whatcha think? Sound good? Yes, no? ... and why?




  1. No thank you!  The government has not shown any credible reason for this and it's a huge invasion of our privacy.

  2. When does he come up for reelection?  He is going to lose his cushy job.  Too bad he will still have his benefits for life.  That's what those b******s have given themselves while millions of us have no insurance.

    This is Bush's bill.  But like all of his other bills, it sucks.  Did you know Baracka voted for every one of Bush's bills since he has been in the US Senate?

    Because it is unconstitutional, illegal, moronic and just an excuse to spy on our citizens without fear of repercussions.

  3. How about just as soon as all the internal communications and other documents at the White House (and associated people) are made available to the courts, congress and senate as has been ordered but not complied with....

    Leaving Chucklenutz and co in violation of several laws....

  4. No, its unconstitutional and unlimited wiretapping will not stop terror threats. Immunity is always a bad idea also - like the telecommunication companies would not take the job at risk of lawsuits? Yeah right! In this economy what company wouldn't want a federal contract? Plus, try telling American's they have no recourse if they are spied upon by these companies.

    We already have a measure in place that allows for emergency wiretapping without a warrant that works fine...all this extra stuff only goes to expand the power of the federal branch in the name of "safety" and the only way they are able to pull it off is because America's are extremely ignorant when it comes to their own laws.

  5. They keep trying, don't they?  Bush really wants immunity granted to the telecom companies, because he promised they would get it if they went along with his plan.  They did go along, and now they face our "checks & balance" system.  It is unconstitutional now, it was then, and will be in the future!

  6. all wiretaps are subject to a warrant.. no give or take there

    those wiretaps are ONLY in place to listen and make note of those of us who dont agree with keeping it business as usual..

    write in RP.

  7. 1- YES- for reason being ,if they where to pass this bill then we would expect to be spied upon, unlike the current hopeful thinking   that we are not currently being observed

    2.. to stretch the last point OBSERVED - all E-mail is public property after you have sent it-  It is now as it was prior to passing the law claiming it so--

    In general-  I would like OUR government to do what it pleases

    with our full consent-  thats what is there for  right??

  8. How many more rights to you want to give the savages now that they have Habeas Corpus in light of an opposite ruling decades ago by the Court. It is a great move because as long as there is a threat Why do you feel it important to take calls from Somalia or Quetta Pakistan and think it is no big deal. It is a big deal and you are better off above room temperature with your questionable egalitarian ethos than a statistic.

    You don't seem too bent out of shape having a Madrassa teaching hate in Virginia either so while I seek to keep the nasties getting in the front door, you are more concerned about calls that cross borders. If your calls don't cross borders why are you worried about it, unless your friends have some funny sounding names.

  9. No.  FISA is clearly against the constitution.  FISA allows the government to listen in on American citizens without probable cause.  Before FISA, judges were extremely lenient with the warrant requirement, allowing for warrants to be gained after the wiretap.  Even though that's still unconstitutional, it's better than FISA.

    Anyone who supports this, supports fascism.  They laugh in the face of the troops who are dying supposedly for our freedoms.  The freedoms which are being hacked away quickly with laws like this.

    I can't help put wonder what happened to this country.

  10. Well if your name is Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh the of course it is a great idea! After all, accusation is equivalent to guilt...right?

    Now, if you happen to feel that allowing one type of constitutional abuse/violation will posibly lead to worse abuse/violation then you would not want the warrentless wire taps to continue.

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