
Would A 2008 Ninja 250R be too small for me?

by Guest63883  |  earlier

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I am 6' 4" and 17 Years old, I am jsut wondering if a Ninja would be too small for me, and if so what about a Suzuki SV650?

What are some good motorcycles for my height? Thanks a lot.




  1. If you take the MSF course, I would recommend the V-strom 650.  The seat height and ergos will be most comfortable for the taller ones.  It shares the same motor as the SV, but the styling is wither love it or hate it.  The Ninja might be uncomfortable for your size, as at 6' I feel it is a bit cramped.  The SV650 feels much better.


  2. nice...definitly envious

  3. Comfort on a sport bike isn't easy to come by. The 250 will not provide any at all. If u take the msf course u should be able to handle a 600 no problem. It will be a little more comfy but still may be too tall. Really after 6'1" all "big 4" sport bikes are crampy.

  4. Yes!  Go with a bigger bike, but not too big.

  5. I am 17 and 6'3" and people say i look funny on  a 08 suzuki hayabusa 1300 because its kind of low to the ground. If u're 6'4" I'd suggest u get a V-strom 650 or a BMW R1200. These bikes have a higher frame so it fits tall ppl much better

  6. you are too tall for a motorcycle period.

  7. I'm 6'4" 250 pounds (30y/o) and i ride a cbr 1000rr.  a ninja 250 would be extremely small for you.  i just sold my ninja 636.  

    im a little cramped on the 1krr but i deal with it.  next purchase im looking at is the zx-14 for a bit more room on some road trips.  after about 3-4 hours on the honda i get pretty cramped up.

    but you do have to get what is in your price range.  

    i personally like the riding position on crotch rockets and am fairly uncomfortable on cruisers.

    hit up dealers and sit on a bunch of bikes, keep it in the price range.

    im sure once you get a taste of speed you will be wanting a bigger bike anyway.  250 is just toooo small in all areas (engine included)

  8. I think you should buy the SV.  You will get tired of a 250 cause they don't have a whole lot of power, plus you aren't going to be counted as "one of the guys" unless you have a bike with a little bit of balls.  Know what I mean?  Hope this helps.

  9. Honestly bro take a SV or a ninja500r the 250 is cool and all and is a blast to ride but you will be tired of it soon. esp if you ride with guys how have bigger bike.  

  10. Yep. Get a ZX14R, then write it off and give the engine to me.

    Dude, go around to all the dealers you can, sit on all the bikes, see which ones feel the mose comfy for you. Take the ones you like for a test ride, then buy the the one you like the best. The 'feel' of a bike is totally subjective, and varies wildly between people. Only you can tell you which is best for you.

  11. you r good but you should get a r1 or r6

  12. You are too big for a Ninja 250, and you will tire of it pretty quick.

    The problem with learning on that bike is, they drop in value too fast, and the bottom price is too low. Basically, it will cost you too much money to learn on that bike simply do to depreciation.

    Then there is the lack of learning on a 250, you can ride that 250 for 5 years...when you get ready to bump up to an R6, or GSXR..its STILL going to be a different world.

    My advice to you is this, search the classified ads for a Mid 90's FZR, or CBR. These bikes have all the power you are going to want while you are learning. THey are powerful bikes, but noweher near the newest super sports.

    The plus side of doing it this way is, you are going to be buying a bike that is already bottomed out in value, the value will not drop but maybe 50 to 100 bucks a essentially, you buy it now...ride it for a couple of years, maintain it, and in a couple of years when you get tired of it and decide you want to bump up in power to an R6, GSXR...or even a liter bike, you will sell the bike for a hundred or two less than you paid for it.

    You can grab them all day from betwen 2000 and 3000 dollars...and in two years they will be worth more than a brand new Ninja 250 will be worth in 2 years if you buy it today.

    Get you a Fizzer, FZR600, mid 90's, its more than enough bike for you... and it has TONS of room to grow because they make after market parts left and right for them.  Its going to cost you atleast a grand less than a 250, and a few thousand less than a new SV...and it will flat out perform them both.

    Plus, when you do get ready to jump up to the supersports of today, you will be much more prepared. If you do go get an FZR or CBR...just RESPECT it, all of the power is 6000 RPM to redline...keep it under 6000, dont hammer on the throttle...putt putt around town and learn the bike.

    Good luck!!!!

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