
Would A Conservationist Eat An Endangered Animal?

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If they were stuck in a Survival Situation.




  1. He would if he wanted to survive!

    If a "conservationist" put a so-called "endangered" animal ahead of his personal survival he would be a fool who would be doing us all a favor by removing himself from the gene pool.  

    Who knows ... he may save an "endangered" cockroach from extinction by providing it with a huge food supply.

    When the chips are down, people eat people.  What's going to stop them from eating an "endangered species" critter?  The EPA?

  2. That'd depend on how desperate they were and how hardcore they were but sooner or later I would imagine so, I doub't theye'd sacrafice themselves for the animal! They might say they would, but in reality I doubt it!

  3. It is nature. All animals are food for another species. Nature has no conscience and kills with abandon.

  4. No. The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. A real conservationist would put self last.

  5. If he is a hard core conservationist he may not do so; though cannibalism resorted  in such survival situations

  6. I think so if people are hungry no more to eat they want to eat therefore they eat  own family.

  7. In a survival situation there almost aways would be an alternative to eating an endangered animal.

    If there was no alternative, it would entirely depend on what the level of endangerment was, and how hardcore of a wildlife conservationist the individual was.

  8. Well I'm a veggie, went to the Dominican Republic and everything there was meat based, nothing to eat for nearly  8 days, chicken and vegetable soup came up on the menu, was so hungry, thought I'm going to have to eat i as I was starving by that point, I physically couldn't, managed to find a shop in one of the complexes further up that sold crisps ate those, I've always told my Hubby if we ever got into a survival situation KILL and Eat ME first!

  9. I would never do it.

  10. Not James - that is the best answer I have ever seen on YA!  I'm still laughing!  Brilliant!!!

  11. i would say no of course

    if u do then what kind of a conservationist are u???????????

  12. i subscribe to the "survival of the fittest" theory on this one.

  13. Lets just say that they were on a desert island, not even a palm tree in sight, and the world's 2nd to last Manatee (if it was the last, there would be no chance for offspring and the animal would totally get chowed by the conservationist) was chilling in shallow water well with in clubbing distance. A REAL conservationist would willingly die so that the Manatee race could carry on. After all there are billions of people!

  14. no, I would not eat it...I would not even be able to kill it in the first place.

  15. Tricky question.  If I were in a starvation situation, I don't think I'd know whether the creature I was looking at was endangered.  

    Anyway, in that situation, I'd be an endangered animal, so I ought to conserve myself any way I could.

  16. Yes. If people are hungry enough they will eat their own family members.

  17. To save their own self-righteous skin? bet they would.  Especially if it went well with Merlot.

  18. Not if they were a wild life conservationist surely, but nobody is above temptation.

  19. Unless I could eat you.

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