
Would American citizens join me in this campaign?

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President Bush has just proposed America's first $3 trillion budget.

The President's current budget proposal promises more of the same. It freezes most spending except for national defense, which will rise by 7% for the Pentagon and 11% for Homeland Security. The grand total for the defense budget is a whopping $515 billion, and this does not include spending for Iraq!

This campaign asks you to send the following message to Congress . . .

“I am not afraid of terrorism, and I want you to stop being afraid on my behalf. Please start scaling back the official government war on terror. Please replace it with a smaller, more focused anti-terrorist police effort in keeping with the rule of law. Please stop overreacting. I understand that it will not be possible to stop all terrorist acts. I accept that. I am not afraid.”

You can send your message here.




  1. Absolutely.

    When the incompetent DEA can keep out drugs, we can be free of terror.

  2. Amen!! I just joined the mailing list =D I think the vision you have is similar to the original "anti-federalist" mentality of Jefferson. Anyway, the site makes good points. Thanks for informing me!

    Hope you can join "my" cause too. You look like a concerned guy:

  3. Too complicated and invasive of privacy for me to complete registration. I am Pro-America and I love our American solders, male and female, but Mr. Bush is an evil demon and should not have the dictatorial power to move our military wherever his pinhead brain decides to send them.

       Except in emergencies, only Congress has the power to declare WAR, as our Founding Fathers wrote into the original Constitution.  American Presidents have been ABUSING the Constitution for over 50 years now, and Enough is Enough !

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