
Would Anyone Be Willing To Take A Look At My Insurance Business Plan An Give Me Some Feedback?

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Any help is greatly apprciated. I was just fired for not having a good plan.




  1. I'll give it a shot mate.

  2. I would be open to looking at it as well.  I do business insurance currently.  My email is open through my profile.

  3. Sure, send it.  I have a degree in Insurance from An Arizona University, am a CLU,  and have spent 30+ years in the Life, Health, and Securities business (In the field and in Home office Marketing) retired and would love to give you a hand.

    Caveat:  If you are in the P&C Business, or not doing business in the USA, I may not be a big help to you.

    Good Luck,


  4. I've owned my own P&C brokerage for 5 years now and would be willing to help you out.

    I am in NY state not sure what state you are talking about here, as insurance is regulated state by state.

    Contact me if I can help.

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