
Would Brown have supported the invasion of Iraq?

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PM Brown has distanced himself from US belligerence over the Russian invasion of Georgia. He appears to be moving more towards the German / French position that progress in admitting Georgia to NATO & EU Membership should be slow and cautious.

Do you think that Brown would have exercised similar restraint had he been PM at the time of the Iraq invasion? Would he have been more likely to have supported Robin Cook (the Leader of the House and ex- Foreign Secretary)?




  1. Gordon brown was chancallor at the time and seemed to support it. Why else is he keeping us there now. We have trained the forces, and handed the area to them. We are sending troops there for a job thats complete.

  2. Brown did! support the invasion. he bank rolled it and worked out the cost a good twelve months before the invasion took place. he also new that Blair was telling deliberate and calculated lies in order to drag us in. most of the labour party new it was a war based on lies and deception. slaughterer Blair, gordon Brown and the whole dammed labour party ok'd the slaughter of five hundred thousand men women and little children. they knew what they were doing and are as guilty as h**l. but they are above the law aren't they...i would like the EU to  explain to me  how come Europe is currently trying a man for being suspected of ordering the slaughter of just ten thousand innocents. but the labour party walk away from ordering the slaughter of five hundred times that amount? and a third of them little children. in a war that was illegal and based on lies told by the biggest and most practiced liar (Blair) the world has ever known. frankly the labour party should be serving life sentences for treason, and Blair and Gorden Brown should be handed to the Iraqis for trial. they should share the same fate as Saddam.

  3. Well he did....he could have supported Cook before he had his 'premature'

    death whilst walking...hmnnn remember Kelly?????? But Brown is up to to elbows in filth...anything to get the job....the man is a traitor and just as guilty as that false 'Christian' Blair....Hang them both and a few more besides!

  4. He did agree to sign the cheques for it! So as guilty as blair...

  5. Ex Robin Cook used to support Ethical Arms Sales until he didn't. They are all alike. They do whatever politics demands to stay in office.

  6. There was a list somewhere of those who voted for the attack. Brown was probably one who supported it because Israel needed to knock out an enemy who fired skud missiles at Israel. Israel wanted the Americans and  the "allies" to do this dirty work for them, much cheaper that way.


    The 2nd link below is Brown's voting record. He is an Iraq war wacko like B_liar it seems

  7. Good question. I think he would have been more cautious with Iraq, but don't forget that British people also had strong anti-terrorist feelings at the time that he would have to address.

    Here's another one - What would have happened had Al Gore won in 2000?

  8. the problem is we are under the USA thumb , Thatcher was , although truth be told I think she feared Regan and the US army , Our leaders for some reason think if we do the USA favors we will get a favor in return , but it doesn't work like that , I think we will end up closer  to the EU eventually anyway , that may be , but she did what she thought was the right thing , lets have with us rather than against us

  9. Tony Blair would not have had him as successor if he had publicly disagreed.

  10. Probably

  11. It's an interesting premise -  but the fact remains he still supports it now and so do all of the cabinet which is why (among many other reasons)  Labour are going to go down the pan in two years time.

  12. If you'd asked before Brown was PM then I would have said no but now I'm not so sure.  At least Harold Wilson kept up out of Vietnam.

  13. Presumably GB would have been shown the same "Dodgy Dossier" that Tone saw and received the same Doomsday advice. I doubt that he would have sided with RC, as his loyalty lay with the Prime Minister at the time and he would not have wanted to cross him on such an important matter.

  14. Brown?

    Is that UPS?

    UPS is ready to deliver your package to Iraq.

  15. Gordon Prudence' Brown did support the invasion of Iraq! otherwise he would have resigned like Robin Cook!

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