
Would CA Court Decision also apply to uncertified / unqualified PS Teachers?

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My understanding of the court decision is that it hinges on the qualifications / certification of the homeschooling parent.

Would this same ruling not also effect the uncertified teachers in the public school system - making some PS classes illegal?

Nationally: 10% of math, 6% of science, and 4% of English/ language arts, foreign language, and social studies/ social science teachers in grades 9 through 12 were teaching out of field. Plus ... teachers in grades 7 and 8 are less likely to be teaching in field than are teachers in grades 9 through 12. (link 1)

CA does not require minimum degree / coursework in the subject area taught for beginning-teacher license. (link 2)

It would seem that the ruling would also apply to PS instruction where teacher is not certified.

Would it not?




  1. And furthermore....(smile)

    What about substitute teachers?  The school where I work uses many substitute teachers who are not certified.   We are not in California, but I imagine CA public school uses subs who are not trained as teachers.  

    What about field trips?    Ummmm... does the person showing the class a vineyard need to be certified  as a teacher before being able to teach the children about the operation of a vineyard?  That could not count as a day of school if the person giving the instruction does not hold a certification as a teacher.    

    This world is crazy ain't it?!

  2. Excellent observation.  My fear, however, is that somehow they would find a way to blame the parents for this situation as well.  :-)

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