
Would Cheryl Crow help global warming by not driving around in a bio-diesel bus talking about global warming?

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Even though it's bio-diesel, it still contributes to global warming.




  1. not as much as petroleum gas powered vehichles.  i think to them its the best convenient and easiest way to get people to switch to a less environmentally damaging source of fuel before developing another source of fuel such as hydrogen fuel.

  2. A bio diesel bus? Big deal! I'm doing my part to stop global warming- I try to eat beef every day, to rid the world of the evil cows that are really responsible for CO2 emissions!

    Consider that the average person, just by breathing produces 900g of CO2 per day. A cow, about 4 times heavier than a person, produces at least four times as much CO2 a year, or 598 lbs a year! In their lifetime (about 20 years), cows will produce 11,960 lbs of CO2! And that's not including farting!

    Now if we were to roast a 700 lb cow, it would take 1050 lbs of charcoal. Even if we convert all the charcoal and cow meat directly into CO2, that's only 1750 lbs of CO2, or 1/7 the amount of CO2 as the cow will produce in it's lifetime merely by breathing!

    Clearly cows are evil, and we must eat them all to save the planet. Do your part, get a hamburger NOW!

  3. On the surface you will think that she and others like Al Gore are adding to the global warming and global emissions, however we must consider the positive effects and influence they are having on others who will begin to Stop and  consider the actions and decisions we make.   And thus, individuals like myself and many others who have seen Mr. Gore have begin driving less.  I am recycling a lot more.  So this will add up a lot less pollutants being spewed As many people hear the message  and take it to heart and begin to make both small and even big changes in their lifestyle.

    By bold people standing up ... and yes,,... touring around to shake and wake people up....  People are becoming aware of their consumptive lifestyles and the strains it is putting on Mother Earth.  This is leading to a rise in changes toward certain actions we take.

    So their touring and their passionate view toward creative alternatives is having a greater positive effect by them going out and inspiring others to become more conscious and reduce consumption.

    Of course certain business people don't want less consumption,  many are driven by pure profit...

    be thankful that people are willing to stand boldly and inspire others to be considerate toward mother earth

  4. why are you picking on people who try to be positive ,what are you doing to help the planet ,are you educating people ,are you raising money,are you planting trees

    just exactly what are you doing

    i plant trees ,talk tp school kids about environmental awareness ,and try to convince farmers to reforrest,harvest water ,plant organic with out using chemicals ,and i make gardens ,

    but i smoke sigarettes ,take the odd plane ,and i eat meat ,so what i do does not count any more i guess ,

    what are you doing ???

    instead of helping global warming with a lot of Hot air

  5. Of course she would.  That is so typical of these "environmentalists" who try to tell everyone else what to do.

    It's more about power and authoritarianism that climate concerns.

    Double standards.

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