
Would Christianity be better or worse if Genesis and Revelation had never been included in the Bible?

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Do you think Christianity would be overall better or worse without the first and last books of the Bible? Without Genesis there would be no people who believe that the world is only 6000 years old and that a global flood actually happened. Without Revelation we would have none of the Rapture conspiracy theorist. Would this be an improvement despite losing two important books of the Bible?




  1. It might make it easier for you to ignore truth if it weren't there. But it would definitely not be an improvement.  

  2. It would be worse because Genesis tells us how the world came to be and it has lessons of faith we can learn about as God worked through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as with Joseph.

    Revelation though it seems pretty scary, it actually a Book of hope.  It tells us that even though the world seems to be turning away from God, he is still in control and that those who remain faithful will spend eternity with him.  A glimpse of heaven is revealed as John describes what he saw.

  3. Christianity is about Christ. You have a choice to be as Christ like as you can be. I belieev the Bible is exactly what God wanted to communicate with us

  4. Anyone who looks carefully at the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls knows that something catastrophic occurred.  Niagara Falls is less than 7,500 years old.

    We don't know how old the Grand Canyon is by looking at it but anyone who looks at it carefully knows that the river at the bottom did not carve it out.

    For one its a dinky river compared to the size of the canyon and two water does not flow up hill.

    Thanks to Genesis we know how both got here.

    Now about Revelation, it hardly mentions the rapture, most of what we know about the rapture is from other places.

    Like Matthew 24, Luke 21 and 1 Thess 4

  5. Genesis and Revelation are the most two important books in the Bible.

    you do not realize that in Genesis chptrs 1-3 many seeds are sown

    as types and figures that are developed through the Bible and consumate in Revelation. For example in Genesis chptr 2 we see the tree of life that represents God. and you have the river, also you see there are gold pearls and precious stones, but these stones are laying apart from one another. Now in Revelation in Chptr 22 You see the New Jerusalem which is built with Gold pearls and precious stones. The city has the appearance of jasper. Jasper is a green clear stone that represents God as life to man also. In the middle of the New Jerusalem we see the tree of life and the river flowing out of the throne of God and of the lamb. Meaning the tree of life that represents God

    as life to man. So the tree of life in Genesis was for man to eat of meaning to take God's life in. The gold pearl and precious strones that were laying seperate now are built together in the New Jerusalem.

    Also Man was created to be a countrerpart to God. God made man in His image that man could match God in life and nature. God's purpose is to have a group of people a corporate man to have image(expression and dominion(execute His authority)

    Adam and Eve also are a type of Christ and the church Ephesian 5:22-25. All the seeds sown in Genesis are developed through the Bible and consumate in Revelation.

    Rapture is but a means to fullfill God's eternal purpose.

    But without Genesis and Revelation you would not have God's divine plan.

    Many people do not understand that in Genesis verses chptr 1:1-3 there is great deal of time that has elapsed before God came in to restore His original creation and to recreate Yes the universe is millions of year old as the universe is. But in Job chptr 14 we read how the sons of God(angels)rejoiced when God created the earth

    So the heavens were created first then the earth by God, how long ago we really do no know. But God's original creation was damaged and God's judgment came in. Then in Genesis chptr 1-3 we read how God came in to restore and create again.

    Every book in the Bible is needed, But since many people do not understand God;s word like you, they ask and think of these type of questions

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