
Would Christians feel better if they had their own sanctioned areas where they only lived, worked & shopped? ?

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In other Christian businesses, schools, auto mechanics, shopping areas, etc.? They would only watch their special "authorized" television, radio, inter net, etc.?

And not have to deal with the rest of us riff-faff? I am trying to make this as painless as I can. Would it make Christians feel better in this confusing, multi-cultural society?




  1. I think some Christians are a little confused,the Bible says go into all the world,I don"t seperate myself from everyone.we all have our preferences. some people like to hang out with those who have things in common with them,Ipersonally don,t smoke so i choose not to hang around smoke.Istill talk to those who smoke,drink etc, i chose to be a christian(christ like),Jesus was around all types of people sharing the love of the new testament he healed people and never asked if they drank ,stole gambled ,he just healed them.i say treat people the way you want to be treated.Hate the sin,not the person.There is no perfecthuman being.Pray for others don"t put them you all.

  2. Feel better about what? Why would I want to live in a Christian Ghetto? Sounds reminiscent of n**i times. I am happy working, shopping, living, and going out among people of all faiths and beliefs. Viva la difference!

  3. If I asked this same question but put the term atheist in place of Christian, would you find the question as condescending as I do?

    I meant to respond to your email but never did.

    Good thing people did all the warmongering before your time to give you all your freedoms then I guess. ;)

  4. Who would pay for relocation when someone converted? And, who would give up their land to make this place? This reminds me of those radicals who want to divide the US up into eight or ten different race based mini-nations.  

  5. No! That would suck. How would we be able to reach out to people, if we all lived in the same community?  

  6. I think it'd be best for everyone.

  7. I wouldn't.

    The atheists would want to stick the Mormons with the segregated Christian society.

    The evangelicals would freak at having Mormons in their safe haven.

    I'd rather stay where I am.  I don't mind being around people that believe differently than me (atheists), but I greatly dislike being around people that want to attack me for my beliefs (many evangelicals).

  8. Those things already exist.  The problem is not dealing with the world. The problem is when we let the world adversely influence us.

  9. It's difficult for Christians to relate on certain levels to people outside the faith but if we don't mix we miss out on a lot-there is a large group of believers who try to isolate themselves-but they often get paranoid about each other and go on excommunication crusades-it's a shame

    we can't all be more the open accepting type of believer as is that one person up there who talked about love...

  10. Allah will kill all atheists, g**s, christians, buddhists, asians and muslims

  11. No,We Christians love all of our brothers and sisters.

  12. That's heaven for them. A fluffy pink cave.

  13. no, but I would..

  14. If any do, I would suggest the Texas Panhandle.

  15. No.  They HAVE to have people to judge and convert.  They cannot be happy without having someone upon whom to p**s, or otherwise validate their beliefs at the expense of others.

  16. No.  That would not challenge us, it would not help us to see the contrast between God and the world, it would not give us any reason to grow or become stronger.  I personally think that would be bad for my own development in my faith.  Christians are to be in the world but not "of" it.

    Plus it's just totally impractical.

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