
Would Democrats still support abortions if a test came out that can tell if a fetus has the g*y gene?

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Most parents would abort if the child would become g*y.




  1. I'm a democrat! I wouldn't abort my baby under ANY circumstances!

    If it has a heart beat it's a living person! I'm not insulting u for asking it but the question only just bothers me! I guess it's the thought of violence against homosexuals it provokes in my mind! I hate how some ppl are so prejudice against homosexuals they result to accosting and attacking them in their own neighborhoods just coz they don't like who they choose to have a romantic relationship w/! If u would seriously abortur baby just coz u knew that someday it would be g*y when it grew up then may God have mercy on ur soul! U disgust me! If u think homosexuality is a sin then what about murder and being prejudice? Where do those 2 things fall on ur worst moral corruptions list?

  2. You will see the largest group of pro-death people convert to pro life in history.

    BTW the 'free speech' crowd will get this deleated.

  3. What was the answer the last few times you asked this?

  4. Democrats support abortion rights already so this question makes on sense  I seriously doubt that there is a serious study that proves anything you say about what parents would or would not do.  

  5. Geez, I wouldn't.  If it's a boy....well, I'd love to have a smart, talented and witty child with a statistically better chance of financial success in life...  

  6. "Most parents would abort if the child would become g*y."

    Where is the basis of that?!?! Only horrible people would do such a thing. Most parents are tolerant, in my experience, especially to their own flesh and blood.

    Also, it turns outs there are plenty of identical twins where one is g*y and the other is not. So it's seems it's impossible to determine whether someone would be g*y from birth. There may be genes that show a tendency to become g*y, but they aren't fool proof.

    And this has nothing to do with democrats or republicans. Democrats aren't pro-g*y, they're pro-acceptance regardless of s*x, race, religion, sexual preference, etc.  

  7. I highly doubt most parents will abort if they found out there was a g*y gene and their child had it. You don't realize how many people want to give birth to their own children. How many women want to have the experience of carrying a child for 40 weeks. There is nothing wrong with being g*y. Yes I think that they would still support a woman's right to choose regardless.  

  8. The democrats are as bigoted as the Republicans against g**s and would abort a g*y baby in a heartbeat.  How do you think all the states are passing anti-g*y amendments unless it was with the support of democratic voters?

  9. What difference does that make?  If its the parents choice...its the parents choice.  I think you make the mistake of assuming MOST people think like you.

  10. Bull$hit.

    I hardly think YOU speak for "most parents."

    And we don't "support abortions" we support a woman's Constitutional RIGHT to decide and determine her own life.

    So the answer to your question would be YES.

  11. No, actually most intelligent people have no  problem with the sexual preference of another person.

    We are not obsessed with the bedrooms of other people, unlike the religious nut jobs.

  12. Yes we would. We believe simply that every person has the right to choose.  

  13. How do you know that most parents would abort?

    Just curious.  Is there a study somewhere on this.

    Or are you just talking trash?

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