
Would Egypt be a good place to move?

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Egypt, is for sure on my list of somewhere that I am thinking of moving. The U.S.A are great friends with the Egyptians, but do they have good health care? And is it terribly dangerous. I want to move to Cairo or Alexandria.




  1. OK all I can tell you is that it's not dangerous, and good health care need a good salary, pollution is high in big cities, like Cairo and Alexandria, may be  Alexandria pollution is much less.

    another thing to tell you is that people attitude is very chaotic this days cause of the daily stresses and frustrations but they are very kind hearted and peaceful inside, so you may need long time to understand people behavior, so just take your time and don't jump into conclusions, you will find both kind of people good and bad as any other place. so try to find yourself an honest friend to help you know who is after your money and who is sincere.


    always double and trible check any information you get. like prices and things like that....especially when visiting doctors for health care.

  2. i've thought about that often for years and in the end I'm only commiting one year of my life to living in egypt.  The reason why is that I want to spend most of my years in Italy since I'm passionate about Italy. Maybe you'll fall in love w/ egypt or an egyptian @some point in your travels and either live there or who knows?  Nice that you have an open mind by just considering this hypothetical situation.  Enjoy your adventures!

  3. I have a coworker who is from Alexandria and she says that she loves to visit but is glad that she no longer lives there. The culture is quite a bit different and not as free as America.  I would love to try living in other countries also, but I don't think I would feel comfortable living there after hearing some of the things my coworker has told me. Definitely plan a visit if you can though.

  4. i would recommend a vacation but not moving there for good. It's a beautiful country but qiute challanging. Unless you're up for a total and wild change.. As for safety yes it is safe..just as safe as any other stable peaceful country. As for health care and all of that..well you will def. need to go to private hospitals or doctors if you're sick.. the government doesnt provide good health if you have the money you'll be fine.. and for a foreigner it wont be that expensive I guess.. Egypt is cheap.

    I think you should stay in Alexandria if you decide to move her..better weather and much better traffic.. Cairo is always jammed and its pretty hot.. it reaches a 100 degrees..

  5. Egypt is safe .

    there is no health care provided by the government .

    if you are offered a good job with a good salary , come over and give it a try .

    it is worth it .

    but be prepared for a different culture and setting .

  6. I'm presuming you been to Egypt and spent time in Cairo and Alexandria.If you haven't then it is a very big move to make should you find the style of life not to your liking.

    It's fine to have Egyptian friends in another country but living among Egyptian people and adjusting to a very different society and culture may be a very challanging and difficult experience.

    I will be blunt and say so long as you have a good income Egypt can be a fantastic place to live.

    But for someone trying to climb up the ladder of life it is very hard and there are too many people trying to use the same  very shakey ladder.

    Egypt is in no way dangerous at least no more so than anywhere in the world in 2008.

    I am origially Australian and would never walk on the streets of Melbourne or Sydney alone at night, but I have always felt safe in Cairo and in my new hometown of Luxor.

    As far as health care goes, if you have the money to pay for good care it is readily available and for those who cant afford it there is a public hospital system.

    Which just like those in Western countries is understaffed, overcrowded and underfunded.

    Come and stay for an extended holiday of 6-8 weeks and in that time arrange to live in rental accomadation and do your shopping at the markets as you would if you lived here .

    It is not a nessessity to speak Arabic but it certainly helps, and so if like me your Arabic was confined to,yes,no,hello, goodbye and thankyou,then before comming to live here I would recommmend you begin learning Arabic.

    Egypt is a wonderful country and I totally love my life here and wouldnt go back to live in Australia for anything.

    I also realise that I am very fortunate to live a different lifestyle to the majority of Egyptians for whom everyday is a struggle to make the ever shortening ends meet.

  7. I would love to move there. My cousins travel all over the world. They just got back from Japan. From what I heard their country is really corrupt in Egypt. I think I heard that if your caught stealing something they cut off your right arm. Thats not really corruption though. One of my instructors told me that. But everyone has different methods of punishment.

    I recommend you go on vacation there for like 6 months or so. Less is fine to. See if you could really see yourself living there.

    OH! Go on myspace and look for people who live there. See if they will talk to you about what its like. I talk to people from all over. Apparently Rome is pretty corrupt to. I was surprised. Well the police are anyways.

    Hope this helps! I love studying about Egypt!

  8. Cairo is a terrible idea, it's very crowded, unclean and the people are not friendly, Alexandria, is better, the sea is amazing, and it's not that crowded. But the problem is you either see some places that are really good or really bad, and all the cars in the streets look like ****, so the average condition is that is not that rich country, and it's not what you see in T.V in their movies, So my advise is to go visit some places that you'll go crazy about, there are many in Cairo, but staying there for god, I mean lol, the Egyptians want to escape from it???

  9. well, at the beginning i'd like to express my amazement that some ppl have guts to answer a question while they know absolutely nothing about the topic!!

    i'm egyptian, from cairo, so let me  tell you a few things:

    1- egypt is paradise for a foreigner, as they are better paid, & most of the big companies offer health insurance, while if they don't, medical care is not expensive compared to the offered salaries.

    2- Cairo is a very busy city, so if u prefer not to go through the daily traffic jam, just simply choose to live near ur work, wherever that can be.

    3- Cairo is an open city & i wouldn't say that it would give u any trouble adjusting to the lifestyle.

    4- the person implying that egyptains cut off the right arm of whoever caught stealing !!!!!!!!!! do u intend to steal there?

    come on!... it's absolutely not true... my bro is a policeman, & if ur interested, the thief goes to prison, like normal procedure..

    5- it's absolutely not dangerous out here, & on the contrary, ppl are friendly, especially to foreigners & would like to please you in every possible way.

    you will have no problem communicating too, as the english language is taught in schools by default.

    6- as for alexandria, it's a very nice city overlooking the mediterranean is very nice if ur looking for a slower pace.

    7- in both cities, u'll find nice clean hospitals, non governamental, i.e., private, clinics & pharmacies.

    u'll also find good schools, universities, day care centers, social clubs at very reasonable fees.

    this is as well as the various coffee shops, restaurants & malls.

    i hope i have cleared any ambiguities you might have had..

    & good luck

  10. at first it's alescandaria not Alexandria

    and then most of the Arab countries are safe (i mean doesn't have problems like Palestine and Iraq) nice and simple people, nice places.

    but you are American, you have a different life style, i don't know if you can acclimatize with the Arab life style or not.

    so if you are talking about visit, I'm with you, go it's nice, but if you are talking about stay for ever you need to think again.

  11. I would say, it is great place to visit but move I have doubt of that because it is truly different than USA, I had my own experience in this subject unless you have so much money, so believe me you will have a great life.

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