
Would Egyptians...?

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- Discriminate against a Muslim woman married to a Christian man?

- Would this extend to the children from the marriage?

- Even if the children are being brought up exposed to both faiths, more so towards the Islamic side?




  1. They are 7 million Christian Egyptians living in Cairo!! They will welcome you with open arms, love you to pieces and never discriminate against you! You have a loving family there! Have you thought about reading the new testament of the bible and learning about wonderful Jesus? You may fall in love with him and what to follow him too.  do you know that there is a beautiful American church in el maadi called the Maadi community is full of American , English, Egyptain, African people ...they would love to meet you and discuss anything like this.

    Congratulations on your marriage! Hold your head up high! the God of the bible will never leave of forsake you!

  2. I was really surprised with some of the above answers knowing they are Muslims!!

    Anyway, to answer your questions:

    - Don't worry about discrimination, you are responsible and adult enough to take decisions of your, so don't worry much about people, it is not people who you should seek to please, it is Allah (SWT).

    You also need to know that It is impermissible in Islam for a Mulsim Woman to marry a non-muslim man. But you have decided to break this rule for some reason that only you know. So, it is your decision and you are responsible for it in front of Allah. I can't comment anymore on this. but you can read more about the issue and email me if you need help more in this issue.

    - The children did nothing wrong, they should not be blamed for anything

    - Please explain what do you mean by kids exposed to both faiths?. How would you explain Trinity and then tell them that God is one? which one is right? you don't need to explain to me, I know. You just need to prepare yourself to answer kids questions. It is important so they don't get confused, otherwise they be Atheists at the end, and I am not sure that either you or your husband will be happy with that.

    This of course if you are intending to raise kids who follow one of the religions.

    Finally, I really wish you happinness in your life with your new family. And I ask Allah to put peace to your mind and heart and guide you to the right path.

  3. Like the others said, it is forbidden for the sheer fact that Muslims believe relgion is passed from the father, that's why the father needs to by Muslim.

    I would not discriminate, but yes, Muslims are very very harsh in general and I would avoid living in Egypt.

    Definately if your living in the US the kids would lean towards Christianity. What is considered morality in Egypt for the Muslims is not the same for Christians. So they would certainly lean towards Christianity and The Messiah Jesus Christ, rather than this messenger Muhammed.

  4. It depends on this egyptian. I being an egyptian would not care about muslim marrying a christian

    2. no

    3. no

  5. Noor in this world you will find people who will find reason to discrimate against anything.

    But so long as your Egyptian relatives are happy with the way the children are being raised and your family is a happy and healthy eviornment where the children are being given the opportunity to learn the Holy Qu'ran and the pillars of the Islamic faith, then I certainly wouldnt object if you were my daughter in law.

    Christains are considered to be a "people of the book"and although it is not totally accepted by many for a Muslim woman marries a Christain man you are doing your best to instruct the children in the their maternal heritage.

    The children will eventualy choose for themsleves what they feel is right for them.Inashallah.

    There are many good websites where you can get guidence and information a particualty good one for women is:


    May Allah swt guide and bless you and yours..

  6. Noor, it is illegal in Egypt

  7. Egyptians wouldnt discriminate against  such a marriage as long as the husband has converted  to Islam.

    the relationships with the others depend on the persons involved , not on their religion.

  8. Whoever discriminates a christian-muslim marriage is not a good muslim, the Koran states a muslim can marry another religion from the book (meaning Christian or Jewish ) however I don't know if this is for men only... Muslims do recognise Jesus as a prophet..

  9. I'll be honest with you, YES they will discriminate against a muslim woman married to a christian, that's because it's illegal, & against Islam rules as Islam allow a muslim man to marry a woman of (people of the holy books) & doesn't allow a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim man, & that's not just because Islam want the children to be muslim but also for the following reason:

    When a muslim marries a woman of a book, his religion orders him to respect all her beliefs & allow her to freely perform her prayers & so on... as Islam believes in all religions.

    When a muslim woman marries a non-muslim, there's no assurance that he'll respect her beliefs & prayers specially that other religions don't recognize Islam.

    so this principle is established basically to protect muslim women from abuse.
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