
Would England win the six nations without jonny?

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Would England win the six nations without jonny?




  1. They wont win it with or without him.. Ireland 4 the grand slam.. ireland will beat england in the very ground where they shot innocent irish people.

  2. Johnny is the only chance england have at doing anything this year in the six nations. If for nothing else but his kicking abilities. Any team just can not give penalties away in there own half!! He can also get the back line moving with some fluidity. England thankfully are nothing without Johnny...

  3. never, cause  they wont in good form when jonny were injured

  4. I refer the asker to last seasons 6 Nations table and a very satisfying result at Murrayfield.

    Nuff said

  5. typical question

    People who mention jw all the time are clearly jealous cris patterson kicked 7  so why was he not mentioned?

    its a typical knock the english thread

    All the talk from the wales scotland game about the number of tries that was ment to be scored and all was down to was 1 man cris patterson .. like jw without him scotland might have lost.

    All teams win matches by taking advantages of errors just like england do but its funny its only the english seem to get stick over this.

    We are 2 games up i bet wales/scotland would love to be in this position.

    Anyway well done scotland a fully deserved win.

  6. Diffinately not !  thats why they are sooooo boring !

  7. i dont think they will win it but if they do it will be down to one man only((jonny wilkinson)) tremendous player

  8. They are not going to win with him ! England is a one man team ... Ireland or France will win !

  9. No - look at their previous record, but it's stupid relying on 1 man.

  10. I think Johnny Wilkinson is one of the most talented backs in the world - he will be useful in helping England regain some confidence and fluidity.  Over time England will rebuild from the kaughing stock they are now to a very decent team.

    However he is only one player, with many injuries, and I doubt England will make the final two in the six nations - I suspect France and Ireland

  11. who cares cause england cant even win the 6 nations in the first place

  12. wot was jonny main purpose,to kick right? well of you they can find another kicker like jonny they should be able to get a high ranked placing,

  13. they ain't going to win it with or without him i watched the rugby today and england were mince?

  14. Yes! He is an awesome kicker, but has not brought much more back to the game, although you could argue the confidence he appears to bring to the other players is worth it. If we replaced Farrell, Robinson, Balshaw and Wilkinson with people with a bit of pace we might start to run the ball a bit more.

  15. I ont think England will win the tourament with or without JW, they should have totally whitewashed Italy today but failed, so France or Ireland will give them a tough fight. And I hope so, as ive got a tenner on Ireland.

    As for the Racist biggots like the fenian ???????, i suspect that the others like him who will undoubtably cause a great deal of trouble in Dublin next weekend, I dont recall the English Rugby team, or any other living English person rolling into Croke park in tanks. Its peope like you that firstly give ireland a bad reputation throughout Europe, and secondly encourage those others in our country that have nothing less than bog-juice and pig sh*t between thier ears to kill and maim for the sake of history. My god I would have thought that you would have more sense.

  16. In a word NO

  17. It does seem that Jonny is the key to England's better form.  I would like to think that we could do just as well without him but our performance over the last few months has proved otherwise which puts a terrible strain on his shoulders.

    And people who hate England and the English, please lets just try and keep it friendly and just answer the question.

  18. They will not win the Six Nations Even If He Is Playing.

































  19. Not a hope...They wouldn't win it with him or with out him!!!                                              Ireland are gonna win this year!!!-with out a doubt...

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