
Would FSU Ever Fire Bobby Bowden?

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Bowden is an institution at FSU. . .with the field named after him. . .if he can't get the 'Noles back to form would FSU ever fire him or are they going to let him go out when he's ready to go. . .on HIS terms! Just curious! Thanks!




  1. yes he has done a great job but time to go

  2. NO....I hate FSU but he's been there since the 50's and he built the program....its not fair to fire a coach because they don't win the National Championship

  3. Just because you are a gator fan, i know you are all about getting rid of Bowden.....I really hope they never fire him.....being a diehard seminoles fan and living in PA i hear everything about Bowden/Paterno all the time....all i hear is JoePa this, and JoePa that, and about how great Penn State is and about how they beat us in the fiesta bowl.....we were #23 that year and we sucked (i think we were .500 that year)....psu was #3 and almost lost to us (i know almost doesnt count....but put them against a team around their record and they are done)....they should be talking about getting rid of JoePa and not Bowden....let them both coach until they die.....BOTH TEAMS WERE NOTHING, BEFORE THEM 2 SHOWED UP

    well thats good to hear than you have respect for the my opinion, even if we are losing a ton of games.....give the man his dues.....fsu was nothing until he came....let him coach....if we still suck.....just get better coaching around him....i feel there is more than one coach there....and although most is bowdens fault, all of the problems are not his fault

    in my not positive....but im just thinking that FSU and PSU would have 0 national championships if it wasnt for those 2 guys....FSU may have one, but i highly doubt it because bowden's recruiting got them there

  4. nope because he has been there forever and will never will be fired

  5. That would be like saying "Would PSU ever fire Joe Paterno?" h**l no. In history, I could only think of one such firing, and that was OSU firing Woody Hayes, just because he punched that clemson player running his mouth, not because of wins and losses. It that case, I would say Woody fired himself.

    To answer your question, Bowden will leave on his own, either by retiring, or firing himself.

  6. Not publicly. But in a private "ease out", sure. So much money is involved. Why not ask him, he will respond  -  dad gum it.

  7. No, he'll never be fired. He'll get kicked upstairs  

  8. well let me start by saying this there not wining the ACC this year because Clemson will win that

    and he can get be good at recruiting people but he sometimes haves the talent but cant finish the deal

  9. Probably NO! but, if Paterno will retire Bobby will the next day after, that is waht Bobby actually said hinself, so really all your hopes on Bobby leaving lies on th eshoulders of Joe Paterno!

  10. They should... His record since 2000 sucks.  It's time for a change.  32 years is long enough.  Joe Pa. should go too.

    Having said that, they would never outright just fire a legend in coaching like that.  They would have a closed door meeting and let him know that their future plans don't include him and that they would like him to step down.  The whole thing would look like it was Bowden's decision to retire.

  11. Nope.  Bobby Bowden, as well as Joe Paterno at Penn State, get to leave on their own terms.  Even an Athletic Director had enough pull, and big would be smarter to let them retire in a couple of years, then face the fallout from firing them now.  Also in Bowdens case, the offensive coordinator has alreayd been unoffically deemd the head coach in waiting.  This special treatment just isn't all tied into sentinment.  Granted they have done wonders for their repsective programs, and are highly respected.  But they are also borderline celebrities in the football world.

  12. they wont fire him as long as he beats the florida gators year in and year out he is safe.  

  13. no never

  14. They will fire him the day after Penn State fires Paterno.

  15. No, they won't fire them, and they shouldn't (in both Bowden and JoePa's cases). Both FSU (not recently, but that happens to everyone) and PSU are two of the best, most prominent programs in all of college football. And as far as joepa goes, he should be able to do whatever he wants. He's given million of dollars to the university, built the library, saved the humanities at PSU, and put the program on the map (2 national championships, 5 undefeated seasons, and the best bowl winning record of any team).  I also loved how everyone made such a huge deal last year about demanding that Paterno and Bowden release their annual salaries, and after all of the fighting and court stuff, when their salaries were finally released, it turns out that they are two of the lowest paid coaches in all of "Bix Six" college football, and that they both donate almost as much as they make!

    Both of those men are landmarks of the game, and should be allowed to 'coach', or at least dress-up & pace the sidelines, until they want to retire or they kiel over dead.


    ...and by the way 'Wal', Florida State was VERY good that year, it was the last time they were good in fact (you won the entire what exactly are you saying? The ACC sucks? Well, I might just agree with you there!), almost definitely DOESN"T count, you were 9-4...not .500, and it was the Orange bowl, not the fiesta bowl...

    ...I tell ya, people don't check their facts at all anymore!...

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