
Would God Reward A Christian For Being A CHRISTIAN?

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I am talking about TRUE christians. Would he give them what they desired if they were truly and true christians




  1. He only rewards us for our faith, and for sticking to it in adversity. God does not *always* give us what we want, because sometimes what we want is selfish, or it's not the right time, or it's against His Will. A good father will not spoil his children by giving in to every whim they have, but only give them what they need or what is ultimately for their own good.  

  2. NO! God will only reward those who do His will, and obey His gospel.

    Do you know this gospel?

    It is not the one currently believed in of only His death on the Cross, for this gospel is no gospel at all, for it mocks God and makes Him out to be a liar.

    The true original gospel is called the water and the Spirit (John 3:5). In other words, Jesus' water baptism by John the Baptist and His blood on the Cross. This constitutes the righteousness of God, and all who reject this gospel in lieu of their own despise His love and His righteousness. Their end has been noted down in Matthew 7:21-23.

  3. our reward is in heaven. as far as rewarding them with worldy things, im not sure, i think he might but it isnt going to be a mansion or a million dollars lol but there is a true thing as blessing, he does bless people.  

  4. i think our rewards based on how we live this life will be layed up for us in heaven- not necessarily here. like it says in the bible.  

  5. Of course.   Some things he may not give if he knows it's not the right thing for us.

  6. yep, and he'd reward any "true" any religion.  I find it ridiculous that many people think only Christians are going to heaven, if there is one!  Very self serving for the ppl who wrote the Bible huh?

    I think I may need to leave this section b/c I already struggle with my belief in God, and seeing other responses to these types of questions make me believe less.

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