
Would He want me to stay or go?

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I have prayed about whether I should stay in my abusive marriage or leave. I feel like God would want me to be healthy and use my suffering to help others to overcome bad situations such as this. But, that doesn't clarify whether divorce is that answer. I am not sure I can be healthy if I stay, but I know that I can be forgiven for getting divorced. It is all very confusing.




  1. If someone is abusing you, RUN AS FAR AND AS FAST AS YOU CAN!  BEATING IS NOT LOVE!  GET AWAY, NOW!  None of this "But I still love him" bull, just go.  He wants to hurt you.  RUN far and run fast.  If you stay, he is only going to abuse you again.  GET AWAY NOW!

  2. i would like to help but i dont have enogh info email me if u like my addy is my screen name

    btw God does in fact condone divorce for a few reasons 1 not allowing a spouse to worship Him

    2 adultery


    there are others but if u wish email me and i will find exact scripture to help u make informed correct BIBLICAL (not mans) decision

    i am always happy to help

    i will not pass judgement on either of u i promise i will simply tell u scripture then u read it and see if it actually applies to you and then u can make your own mind up

    it is not for me to say whether u should stay or go it is up to u anf God

    another reason for divorce is if a man does not take care of his family he is worse than an infidel if any of these helped u or apply to u then u pray about it to God and He WILL give u an answer if none of these apply please email me and i will research it and find a scripture which does and give it to u

    also physical abuse is just plain wrong God in no way wants His children to get beat up He smote many a nation for doing just this so for exact scripture either repost with more specifics or email me

  3. Do you know who created marriage? People

    Do you know who created religion? People

    Do you know what you are? People

    Do what the people want!

  4. Sounds like you have your answer already.

    You should never feel the need to remain in a situation where you are being attacked; physically, verbally or emotionally.

    You know what you need to do and no doubt it's scary. But don't look at it as you are leaving a failing marriage. Rather, view it as you are brave enough to embark on a new adventure.


  5. You will be forgiven for leaving an abusive relationship. God will understand that it was your partner's "fault".

    My mum is a Christian and she has been divorced twice, once her husband, my father, was abusive towards her, and the second time, her husband, my step-father, was abusive towards me and my brother.

    Please don't stay in this relationship. Speak to your minister/priest/whoever you trust for religious and spiritual guidance, but I know that God would forgive you for this.

    He loves you, more than you can ever begin to imagine, and He would never want you to be in such pain (both physically and emotionally).

    Please don't wait until it's too late.

    Good luck and God Bless you in this and every aspect of your life.

  6. I believe divorce should be last resort, but do what you need to especially when abuse comes into play. Your spouse should still be prayed about and the marriage as well if you are staying.

  7. I as a Christian, say that you shouldn't stay in your relationship. God would want what's best for you, and I think you should follow that. By staying in an abusive relationship, you are hurting yourself.  And, with that, it may get worse. And if you've got a family, you could be putting them at risk as well.

    Divorce, in my opinion, should happen in certain cases- abuse being one of them. Your happiness and health is what matters in this situation- just follow your heart and do what is best.

    Be careful with your choice, and any time you need to leave, leave.

    I wish you luck that this all works out. And God is always there for you.

    Take care!

  8. As far as I'm concerned, any man who abuses his wife has broken not only the law, but he's broken his vows.  "To love and to cherish 'till death do us part."  Abuse is not loving and cherishing.  A man is supposed to protect and provide for, not control and abuse.  

    Make a plan and get away.  Depending on the extent of the abusiveness, you may want to hide out where your family and your friends won't know where you are so he can't trick or intimidate them into telling him where you are.  Get your important papers and memories, pictures and letters, that can't be replaced; pack a change of clothes and hygiene stuff.  The rest can be replaced.  Pack a bag for any kids that you are taking with you.  Be careful about who you choose to trust.  

    God does not want you in an abusive situation.  I pray that you can break away from your abuser, and also break out of the co-dependancy.  May God bless you and be with you.

    Here's some links to check out:

  9. You know you really ought to know

    Should you stay or should you go?

    If they say that "you are mine"

    You'll be here til the end of time

    So they got to let you know

    Should you stay or should you go?

    Always tease tease tease

    They're happy when you're on your knees

    One day is fine, the next is black

    So if they want you off their back

    Well they should really let you know

    Should you stay or should you go?

    Should you stay or should you go now?

    Should you stay or should you go now?

    If you go there could be trouble

    An if you stay it could be double

    So they should really let you know

    Should you stay or should you go?

  10. If you're being abused, leave.  Don't wait for answers from someone else.  Pack up and leave.  Let the courts sort it and and for goodness sake, press charges.

  11. GO..and alive

  12. God wants you to be healthy and safe. Of course He does. Yes, He doesn't want you to divorce, but He also commanded for the man to love and respect his wife as he does himself and to treat her gently. Just by asking this question I think you know deep down what God would want you to do.  

  13. Ok, if someone is beating you, why do you wait for some "god' (who will never answer you) to tell you to leave? That is sick.  

  14. That is your problem. There is no god that gives a c**p what you do. If you are in an abusive relationship, get that b*****d arrested and get out of the relationship....unless you are like many, many people that really enjoy being a victim, so that you have a reason not to think for yourself and be the person that you could be otherwise....It is all based on fear. It is time to take control of the situation and your own one else is going to do it for you.

  15. First, let me say that my Mother and my siblings were abused.  Verbally, mentally, and physically.  She divorced him and we all had a rough time of it, but it was the right choice.  Now we are all family again.  They never remarried and my Dad has a girlfriend that might as well be his wife and they come over quite often.  So, God can see you through and redeem your relationship or at the very least heal it.  So, I know a little of what I am saying.

    Yes you can divorce.  The Bible gives guidelines for it and under what circumstances you can and cannot remarry.  Today many will tell you that you can divorce and remarry because of abuse.  I do not think so because if you do you rob God the chance to redeem your vows.  I wonder how cool it would be if Mom and Dad got back together after all the pain but with his "wife" that is out of the question.  I know your husband is doing wrong to you but he is sinning unto God.  By all means separate and love him just out of arm's reach and pray for him that he may one day find the truth.  If he wants a divorce let him do the work and follow the scriptures on if an unsaved person does not wish to stay married to the believer.  I believe only adultery is the only out that allows for divorce and frees you to marry another.

    But, whether you follow my advice or not please take time to heal and go slower the next time you seek marriage.  I say this for your well being and not meaning to be insensitive.  

  16. God would want you to leave.God doesn't expect/want us to abused.I'm sorry you are in such a situation.Please flee ASAP!!!!!!

  17. Leave


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