
Would Heinz have withdrawn their advert...?

by Guest34163  |  earlier

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... if it had shown two women kissing?

"Heinz has withdrawn its Deli Mayo TV ad that featured two men sharing a kiss and apologised to viewers after the advertising regulator received about 200 complaints that it was offensive and inappropriate"




  1. That's such a load of rubbish - it's funny how some answerers minds work though...Like the first one, thinks it's to do with feminism. However it would be the MEN that complain about seeing two men kissing like it always is on tv, the male people in the room say 'Ergh that's disgusting'.

    Why on earth would men kissing be offensive? g*y people exist and there's nothing wrong with it - this type of banning has just put society back about 50 years.

    EDIT: Regarding 2 women, I think a lot of women would have complained. Hetro men seem to hate g*y affection, and hetro women seem to have lebian affection.

  2. isn't lipstick lesbianism par for the course in advertising nowadays?

  3. I don't know, but they certainly wouldn't have done if it had been a man and a woman.

    Religious prudes really need to wake up and realise that homosexuality is not going to go away.

  4. It seems a shame that Heinz would fold after a couple of hundred humourless homophobes have called in. Shame on Heinz. Some people cited their reasons that they were apparently embarrassed  to explain to their kids that g*y people exist in the world. It's not even a g*y couple, it's funny because they're not g*y.

  5. I'm glad I never saw it, seeing two men kiss makes me want to throw up.

  6. After that story about the L*****n couple at the baseball game, I think they would.

  7. I think they would have. Sounds to me like some g*y crew in the ad department insisted on getting their message out.

  8. No probably not...makes you wonder.

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