
Would Hillary Have Gotten so Far if she were not a Woman? Would Obama Have Won if he were Not Black?

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Are Dem voters racist and/or sexist?




  1. NO and NO  

  2. Both of them got more media attention because they were not old white men.  Media attention has a lot to do with votes.  But in the end, policies count, too.  So just their gender or race wouldn't have put them over the top.

  3. I don't know - look how far YOU got.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  

  4. Ask McCain why he voted AGAINST making Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day a national holiday, then ask that question. Ask the Republican party why they allowed THOUSANDS of people to die after Katrina. Ask George Bush why our US Military BEGGED to be let in to Myanmar to give help, while ignoring the people in need right here in America. They sure know how to find money and resources when it suits their political agenda, but when we ask for better health care, better schools, and help the homeless, suddenly, there is no money. Yet they pad their pockets, give raises, and tax cuts for the rich. I guarantee you this.... God forbid if that hurricane should hit Texas, George Bush will do whatever he can to help those people of his home state, meanwhile, THREE YEARS LATER, Katrina victims still suffer.

  5. Hillary got as far as she did riding her husbands coattails and being a woman, Of course Obama got as far as he has because he is black and an extreme liberal socialist.

  6.   I think Hillary would have gotten as far as she has regardless of her gender. She has walked the walk and has experience that makes her highly qualified.

      I don't think the same can be said for Obama. His platform is bereft of details as a cover for his lack of experience. I believed he does not posses the experience or judgment to become President. I feel Obama is charismatic but doesn't have the substance or experience to deliver on his ill-defined notion of change.

    As Americans, we are looking for a hero in these tough times. We want badly to identify a hero, but someone like Obama with no experience and no definite plan is not the answer. John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin are the choice for bold change with the experience, courage and intellect to deliver it.

  7. Hillary woudn't have gotten so far if she didn't marry a man, ride his coat tails and when he's done with her take over.  Barrack wouldn't have gotten so far if he weren't black.  The Democrat Party is based on discrimination and always has been.  The Democrat Party fought to keep slavery legal.  The Democrat Party fought against civil rights legislation.  Democrat Al Gore Sr. fillibustered to try to deny blacks civil rights.  The Democrat Party continues to elected and praise Democrat Senator Robery Byrd even though he was Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan and still uses the N**** word.  The Democrat Party uses age discrimination against John McCain.  They are the Racist Party and it shows through picking Joe Biden after he said about Obama that Obama is doing well because we finally have a CLEAN ARTICULATE African America.

  8. Well....perhaps it is because the voters agree with the candidate's stand on the issues.  Maybe?  Hmm?  You think THAT just might be reason to vote for a lowly woman or black man?  Imagine that.  

    The fact that so many cannot fathom the idea of voting for either of these candidates for any reason but race or gender, demonstrates exactly why this CHANGE is long overdue.  

  9. YES and YES.

  10. Obama winning on account of being Black, is FAR preferable to Dubya winning on account of being a former President's son.

  11. I don't think the fact that Hillary was a woman had near as much to do with it as the fact that her last name was Clinton.  If being a woman had much to do with it, it might have been sympathy for women voters over the scandals that she went through as First Lady.  I think that Obama would have won over Hillary whether he was black or white.  He is a brilliant speaker and a "people person."  I don't think that you can group Democrats into a group and call them either racist or sexist.  This could be likely of either party.  I think Democrats and many Republicans are just desperate for a change.

  12. I do believe they both would have. It may have taken Obama a little longer but he would have gotten there.  

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