
Would Hillary be allowed to pick her husband Bill as vice president?

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I am only asking. I realize you can only serve 2 terms as president but is there anything in the Constitution that says a former president can or can not be chosen as vice president.




  1. I think that she could but bill clinton would have to run for vice president. She can't just pick somebody.

  2. She can't as he'd be ineligble to serve as president if something happened to her.

    Besides, she doesn't even LIKE Bill--why would she agree to have him as her Veep?

  3. I think that would be a severe conflict of interest.

  4. It would be prevented by the 22nd amendment as the VP is the sucessor to the prsesident.

  5. yes, she can.  There are no rules regarding former presidents becoming vice presidents.  It is a Constitutional loophole.

  6. Oh God help us if she did.

  7. The criteria for VP are the same as for president but no term limits for VP are listed in the constiution. Therefore it is unclear whether Bill's inability to succede to the presidency would prevent him from taking the Vice Presidency.

    There is however no chance that this will be offered. The benefits of having Bill as VP (his experience, knowledge, political skills, fundraising and campaigning abilility and global influence and contacts) come with having him as first gentleman anyway. Hence making him VP would be wasting an opportunity to bring other talent to the table.

  8. Can't be VP cause he doesn't qualify. He could be Speaker of the House, if elected. In reality, he'll have quite a bit of influence as her husband if she's elected.

  9. No, because the VP has to step in if anything happens to the pres. & as you know, he already served his limit.

  10. No. A vice president has to be qualified to be President and Bill is no longer qualified because he served 2 terms already.

  11. She COULD, but she WON'T.

  12. I don't think so....but she would NEVER do it.

  13. The Vice Presidency has no term limits so in fact he could be elected as vice president. The only prohibition is that a Presidient who has served 2 terms can not run for election. However there is not provision that excluded them from the line of succesion. Meaning is something happened to Hillary Bill could theoretically become president again but could not run for re-election at the end of Hillary's term.

  14. There is no prohibition for a former President to run as Vice President under the constitution.  Thus, Bill Clinton can run as Vice President together with Hillary Clinton.

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