
Would Hillary make a good VP for McCain?

by Guest65599  |  earlier

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McCain needs votes and we need assurance!




  1. No.  Hilliary is just like Barack except Barack is willing to leave the troops over in Iraq a bit longer. Also universal health care is different for them.  However McCain and Clinton are VASTLY different.

  2. If McCain were smart - he would pick her.  If Hillary were smart - she would accept, and tell the turncoat Democratic Party to stick it.  They no longer exist anyway.

  3. It would be a cheap publicity stunt, and most Americans are smart enough to recognize it as such.

  4. No.

    Hillary doesn't belong anywhere near the White House.

    I say she should be the Ambassador to our colony on Mars.  In fact, let's send her there now to set it up, and hope she doesn't get shot at by all those Martian snipers.

  5. Yes, I would be happy to unload her on McCain.

  6. Hillary is a die hard Democrat and McCain is a die hard Republican.

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