
Would I address a french exchange student as tu or vous?

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the student is from morroco and speaks french. how should my parents and I address her? Tu or Vous?




  1. You should say "tu" and your parents as well.

  2. Vous is a more formal way of putting tu, so it depends on what you think I guess.

    Is she your age? If so, I'd say tu. You'd want to make her feel included and at ease, and if you're being very formal with her all the time it's not that easy. Although see what you think when you meet her. You might want to use vous a little at first, and switch when you get to know her?


  3. well  (vous)  we use that word for elders...when your young its a bit annoying...depend of the age of the student...less then 20 years old (tu)  more then 20 you can start using (vous) but usually they gonna tell you that (Tu) is fine...we use (Tu) more then (vous)             hope it helps good luck

  4. Vous seems preety formal. If you are trying to be inviting say tu. Daccord.

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