
Would I be a Ms. or Miss?

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I am going to be a teacher for the first time this year and I am in my mid-20's. I also have never been married if that makes any difference. I have a couple friends that are teachers that are the same age as me and some use Ms. and some use Miss.




  1. Sadly, it may not be up to you.

    It may be up to the secretary when he/she types your name on the mail slots in the office!  From there on out, you'll be: ___

  2. Miss. is for when your not married and Ms. is wen you dn't want people to know.   You could use either one.  

  3. You can be either.  Miss or Ms are personal choices.  I prefer Miss.  When I was divorced, I was still Mrs. because I kept his last name.  

    Don't worry about the kids knowing about your marital state.  They will be convinced you are married to whatever male teacher they see you with and find it hard to believe you have a life outside of school.  This applies to all grades, but especially elementary.  

  4. Some schools call every lady Ms.  Otherwise, it's your choice.  

  5. Miss is for when you are single....Ms. is for when you don't want anyone to know if you are single or married

  6. if i was you i would be a miss as ms sounds old

  7. Miss.(That tells people you aren't married)Ms. Means its personal.

  8. Its totally your call. I like Ms. because it sounds less desperate and kids can be so embarrassing.

  9. Miss makes you sound kind of young. If you're teaching kindergarten, then be a miss. Otherwise, be a ms. Plus if you are a ms. you wont have to change it when you get married.

  10. Ms. means that you have been married, but are not now.

    Miss means that you are and always have been a singled, un-married woman

    Mrs. means that you are married

  11. I've always understood Miss to be unmarried and Ms to be divorced.  

  12. its up to you.  From what I remember, Ms. is a compromise.  It doesn't reveal if you're married or not, and many women prefer this because Miss seems juvenile.  Either will work; Its your preference.

  13. ms.

  14. They both mean the same thing. Ms. is just the abbreviation. Just pick the one you like the best.

  15. miss

  16. it could be either or. I don't think it matters

  17. its the same.

    MS. is just an abbreviation for MISS.

    ya dig teach?

  18. Ms. is the current standard. It is acceptable for any woman of any age, whether she is married, single, widowed or divorced. When I was a kid, my mum was the only Ms I knew, but now it's really common.

    Miss means you have never been married and while some might say it implies a younger women, that's not necessarily the case. If you're 90 and never been married, you could still go by Miss. Some places don't give you the option of going by Miss anymore; you're either a Ms or a Mrs (married or widowed, basically, but some woman keep it after divorce.)

    Basically, pick whichever one you prefer. Personally, I like to use Miss!

  19. You can be either.  Miss means your are single, Mrs. means married, and Ms. means your marital status is your own business.  Ms. hasn't been around that long, it started because some women thought it unfair that Mr.  doesn't denote marital status so why should they.  Also, Ms. is often used when you are speaking with someone that  you do not know their marital status.  In other words, it's up to you!

  20. I would use whatever you feel comfortable with.  Ms. might be more confusing as it doesn't indicate married or single.  Miss definitely indicates single.  You don't say what grade you are teaching....if it's the younger kids, they might automatically say Mrs. because that's maybe what they say more.  And that's probably ok too, if they're young.  You might not want to correct that.  Just go with what you like best.  And good luck....teaching is a noble profession!

  21. ms is when your not married  

  22. There's nothing wrong with being a Miss - people put too much emphasis if you're married or not.  There's nothing wrong with being single and proud of it.

  23. miss.....cause ms. is for older people and divorced

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