
Would I be a good Law enforcement Officer?

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Right now I am 17. I was planning on joining the Marine Corps when i turn 18, but because of the current political situation, I don't think that would be a good Idea. I am thinking about becoming an LEO. I respect the law and have good discipline (raised in a Military household) and I think I could really do a good job. I have also been shooting for years (ISPC) too so I have good weapons training also. I just wanted your opinion of what would be a good choice for me. I want to do something where I can help and defend my country.




  1. do you like to endlessly harass people for driving three miles over the speed limit?

    do you have a superiority complex?

    do you enjoy putting on a uniform and pretending you are captain america?

    do you want a job that most people really don't like one bit

    do you want a job where you are exposed to the scum of the earth on a nightly basis... or aren't (depending on what city or village you reside in) but still treat otherwise good people like they are

    if you answered yes to any of the above, congratulations, you too can have a career sitting in the parking lot with the lights off waiting to write a ticket.

    p.s. you don't have to be a criminal to be annoyed by the way 80% of cops go about their jobs. and having a "quota" may or may not be true, nonetheless whatever their motives they love to hand out tickets. i don't see why my tax money is paying them to sit in a parking lot doing nothing for six hours a shift. at least freakin drive around, and if you come across someone actin a fool, stop him. but for the love of darwin, what other job pays you to just sit there and literally do nothing for the majority of your shift?

  2. No..

  3. I think you must be in the USA - I'm here in the UK and from your question it seems that you have a very responsible attitude to life.  As one of the contributors suggests - have a ride along - speak to the other officers locally get a feel for "the job" and I am sure you will make a fine upstanding, honest LEO.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

  4. Being a LEO is not a job you do for the money, you do it because you want to do it. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world.

    Do some ride alongs to find out if its for you and then take the appropriate steps to becoming a LEO.

    Don't do anything stupid and you'll turn out to be a fine officer of the law.

    Good Luck

  5. Cops suck i agree with mr q. They stop you from having your second admendment right. Im 13 and i cant buy a gun cause of the dang government and the cops that defend that law. My grandma was pulled over for going 1 mph over the speed limint- no joke. If you had my suggestion dont be a cop.Itd be a boring job and many people would hate you. Go be a marine, plenty of action and its bout the same pay-which is dirt cheap. We dont need no more cops but we can always use more marines.

  6. been a LEO is about passion for public safety and putting your life on the line to protect the public. B/c the pay is ridiculous and the hours are outrageously long ! but its rewarding !

  7. mr Q, sounds like someone has had some bad experiance with the guess you also thing cops have quotas?? maybe if you didnt break the law you wouldnt hate it as much???

    And yeah if you have the heart to do it youll be a great LEO

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