
Would I be a good boxer?

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The reason I wonder is because I have always been exceptionally talented at fighting games like tekken , mortal kombat, knock out kings boxing against other skilled gamers . I am coordinated at sprots as well.




  1. I agree that there are some abilities that would be knew, but all i can say if you have the determination, go for it! You have some "fighting knowledge" and i bet you would do better than others as you have some background. It is like music where you get skills and learn faster than other people when you have some music background.

  2. Oooooo NO!! i not saying u cant fight or anything but dont judge off a video game.. i know a boxer who beats up grown men (peoples father) on the street and he is only 5"8 140 or sumthin.. and u will have to fight guys like that

  3. well i can say......55% possibility of becoming the future

  4. lol... boxing is a skill.. much like fencing, basketball and baseball... it has to be learned... there is some inate abilities but videogames have nothing to do with it...

  5. You're not even close,while you may possess excellent knowledge,reflexes and good observations[important],it takes more,alot more than just a strong chin .It takes hard work,determination,patience,discipline,h... you should know since you've played knockout kings,there's a list of attributes when you're building your boxer.If you're young and have all this knowledge and actually decide to do it you may become a great champion but remember there's always some hungry guy out there wanting what you have but if you do anything more than anyone else,sky's the limit.God bless.

  6. no

  7. when your exhausted and some hard hitting dude sends your head into a spin and is coming for some more ask yourself will my video game experience keep me on my feet or will you say stuff this for a game of soldiers?.

    there is only one way to find you have the balls for a painfull battle?.

  8. Are you for real?? lol, im sure if you love to spend most of your time playing video games, your not much of an athlete.

    This question is an insult to the sport, come on man. Coordinated at sports?? Heres the thing good boxers don't spend alot of time playing video games.

    I mean X,Y over over, trigger , trigger just aint going to work in the ring.  

    So I would say a big NO. You dont sound like you would make a good boxer.

    Next time your sitting on the couch playing video games and stuffing your face with chips and pop, think that the top fighters are probably in the gym killing themselves to make weight, having almost 0% body fat.

    Stick to your video games.

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