
Would I be able to find a job in London with an American bachelor?

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I am looking for financial job in London. Would an employer hire me with an American bachelor in business? I have a work permit!




  1. Firstly, I would tell them you have an American bachelors degree, rather than just a bachelor - as this may lead to misunderstanding! I would think your best bet would be to try and get a job with a US company here, and there are plenty. When you have a little experience of UK markets, then you could branch out. Good Luck.

  2. At the moment employment in the financial sector is pretty dire, indeed this is generally so, those tide you over whilst you look jobs are pretty hard to come by, particularly as we have our own wetbacks working illegally.  So I think the answer to your question is yes, particularly as your degree sounds relevant, but probably not at the moment.

    A point to note is that UK qualifications generally require a degree to gain exemption from the first part of qualifying and a second part, which firms are usually prepared to sponsor.  If you go down this route you will end up with a UK qualification, that might not be relevant when you go back to the US.

    As "financial job" has quite a wide interpretation, e.g. banking, accountancy, insurance etc, each of which break down into separate specialisms and levels.

    If you enter "accountancy jobs London" into a search engine you will get links to various placement agencies, most require you to input your CV, the same will work for banking and so on.  At the least you will get is a feel for the market, and a raft of initials, you are most unlikely to get a job unless you are on the ground.

    If you cannot afford to support yourself in London without a job, do you know anyone already in the UK, who could do some leg-work for you?  You could search for UK companies that are hiring in the US.

    I am sure you will succeed if you try hard enough.

    By the way some words are spelt differently in our two countries, but bachelor is not one of them.

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