
Would I be able to join the Air Force if im on probation?

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About 2 yrs ago I was charged with possession of marijuana under 2 oz.

After much time I was able to receive pre-trial diversion. I will be off probation in a month and I would like to enlist in the air force.. Is this even possible?




  1. I had an ex who wanted to enlist but was on probation for the very same thing. They told him he had to complete the obligations of his probation first.

  2. Two things, Jonny:

    1. If you are currently under probation, you cannot join the military until your parole term is finished

    2. It is very difficult to join the military with an illegal drug possession charge on your criminal record.

    You can always ask for a waiver, to see if you can join despite the fact you have a criminal record. Good Luck.

  3. There are a number of other things you need to qualify for the Air Force. But regarding this situation here is what you need to know. You need to wait until 90 days from the completion of your probation before you can try to enlist in the Air Force. Even though you went through pre-trial diverstion you will still need to go through a waiver process because of the possesion charge. You'll need to contact your local recruiter to explain the whole process.

  4. Wait a month and maybe

  5. maybe. you have to disclose that with the records though and they may deny you. its worth a shot though

  6. potheads need not apply to join the military!

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