
Would I be considered fat

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I have always been worried about my weight. I am 17 years old. I am 5'5" and weigh between 130-136. I see a lot of people in my school who have washboard stomachs and I feel so fat compared to them. Do you think someone with my stats is fat? I eat about 1000-1500 calories a day. I don't have an eating disorder or anything but I think I need to lose weight. Any advice is greatly appreciated.




  1. Your definitely not fat!  The other people in your school just have a tiny build, and that comes from genetics.  If you want abs, join dance or gymnastics, or some other sport.  You can also try doing at least 30 crunches a day, and balancing on your but without your hands or legs touching the ground and your knees tucked near your stomach for 5 minutes each day.  Your eating a perfect amount of calories a day, so I really wouldn't worry about your weight.

  2. I think you're probably about average, and with today's super sized people, you're more than likely considered skinny. There more than likely will always be someone skinnier than you, and someone bigger than you. As you long you are at a healthy weight, that's what matters.

  3. That is a healthy weight for your height. If you want to lose weight consult a doctor. You can always tone up if you want, but losing weight isn't the issue here.

  4. i think your at perfect weight not to skinny defiantly not fat just right

  5. nope your adv

  6. No you're healthy. You're BMI is around 22 which is fine.

    I'm 16, 5'8 and 130. And I'm skinny. So don't worry. You're fine. Just eat healthy and exercise. You don't need to lose weight to tone up - turn any flab into muscle, that'll make you feel better. You're weight will probably go up but your body image will be good. Don't worry though, and don't let anyone tell you you're fat! :)

  7. That doesnt seem fat, but if you want to work out, try working out the specific areas you want to lose weight in, such as your stomach.

  8. You are not anywhere near fat.  If you feel you need to lose weight then go on a diet and start exercising.  you really don't have anything to worry about though.

  9. you have exactly the same stats as me, i alwaayys feeling like am fat :S all of my friends are really thin or really toned. (one plays hockey for england, one dances 5 days a week, another plays hockey and netball for county, another runs, and the rest just seem to have no fat on them :S), so i've been trying to lose weight for my holiday with them as i feel a little out of place, but it's all about how u feel about yourself? Do u feel like you should be any thinner? It doesn't sound like you don't like what you look like? Just you keep comparing youself to others? o if your happy with how you are then you need, but if, like me, it's because you don't like what you look like then go for it... and to be honest your already doing better than me, as your eating below the recommended daily allowance of calories anyway.

    Sorry for the essay.

  10. i don't think you are fat but if you think you are fat then a little diet wont hurt

  11. no. you are not fat. I am 5'2 and weigh 148. I don't consider myself fat but not skinny either

  12. actually, you are average. you don't need to lose weight. in fact, you probably should eat about 2,000 calories daily.

  13. You are fine for your height.

    All that truely matters is that you are healthy.

    If you want to make improvements, try toning up instead.

    Your weight is not the issue.

  14. no, you're healthy

  15. no that is healthy

  16. u r at a great weight and r not fat :) be happy about yourself u r the only u that u have

  17. in hs i was 5'2" and 125lbs. i didn't have the washboard tummy, but looking back now at my sr. pics i was skinny. i'm now 160ish. the belly is bigger and the thighs and the b***s. jsut maintain good eating habits and after school activities. keep this up once u graduate and u'll be ok.

    ur not fat!!!!

  18. you're perfectly average!

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