
Would I be ok to take sleeping pills?

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I've recently had my work schedule re-arranged. I'll be working 2 graveyard 8 hour shifts each week, and 3 swing shifts. Once I'm done with my graveyard shifts, I go right into my swing shifts (without days off) so I have trouble sleeping earlier. So I am considering sleeping pills. I usually do not have sleep issues or anything but I'm nervous and ignorant on the medicines out there to take. I am a bit fearful of side effects to. Any advice please?




  1. take em like tylenol. use as needed in proper dosages. also, feed them to kids like candy. its funny as h**l when they go into convulsions.

  2. you'll end up like Heath Ledger!!

  3. you will get addicted . and will not be able to sleep after a while without these. stay away from them. they 'll make u feel horrible.not good for your health on long term. most good employers do not allow this kind of roasters. you might want to talk to ur manager to sort this out instead of ruining ur health.

  4. Go and talk to your doctor. They will give you the right advice or prescribe you with the right drugs or whatever.

  5. Try melatonin.  It is a supplement of the natural chemical that your body produces to make you sleepy.  Take it right before you go to bed, because if you stay up too long, you can miss the sleepy phase altogether.  

  6. hey i am a doctor email me sometimes if you have some problems.Its ok to have sleeping pills only if you can't sleep very night.Only take one time a daily for emergence.

  7. You have to have a full 8 hours (preferably 9 or 10) to take sleeping pills. I would maybe try one on a night before you're off and see if you're still drowsy when you wake up.


    If you consider Tylenol PM a sleeping pill.

    They work really well.

    I take three about 2 hours before I want to go to sleep (but I still dont do anything before) and then I'm out. Its weird though cause they say to make sure you have eight hours straight to sleep (GOOD TIP) but I ALWAYS wake up right on the 8 hour mark after I take them. I just go back to sleep though.

    I would try them especially to get on a new schedule, I'm in Hawaii now and I will be taking them when I get back to Ohio so I can sleep at the same time as everyone else!  

  9. I had a severe case of insomnia about three years ago, and my doctor prescribed me Lunesta. I loved it - I would be asleep within 15 minutes of taking it and almost ALWAYS woke up 8 hours later. I only had one problem on it - it's a great medicine, but please be careful and only take what's prescribed!

    Talk to your doctor and see what they suggest for you. I've seen people have real problems with sleep medications but I have also seen some benefit greatly from them. Try a sample of a couple and see which one will work for you best.

  10. no because you will keep sleeping for around 8-9 hours or until your sleep is complete, eat them only if you have enough time.

  11. I am a firefighter and have problems sleeping. At work we get calls at different times of the night, so on my days off I have trouble sleeping waiting for a call. lol..  I went to a health food-vitamin store. The lady suggested a herb sleep aid. It helps you fall alseep and you are you not drowsy when you wake up. It worked great. Im sorry, but I cant remember the name of it. Try asking your local vitamin store for assistance. I also have good luck with excedrine pm.

    I hope this helps.

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