
Would I be welcomed if I moved to Britain?

by Guest67031  |  earlier

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I been thinking about moving to Britain considering I have family that lives there and I have always like the British culture. I happen to be born in America, but things I have seen in the past, I wonder do British people hate American's or I am misunderstanding. Please forgive me if I am. But would I be welcomed there if I were to move there?




  1. yes you would be most welcome here heck you can come and stay at mine  

  2. welcome to blighty.

  3. its the same no matter what nationality you are.

    although most people like americans here in the uk i do!

    you will find anti american people every now and then but not often

    hope this helps:)

  4. They may or may not "hate" American in a broad brush opinion, but I'd give them the benefit of the doubt that they would be decent enough to judge you on you.

  5. Yea sure :). I think people make all these rumors that EVERYONE hates Americans when we don't. Only a tiny percent of people are that bigoted that they will judge you before they know YOU. I must warn however the weather is not as pleasant are your weather happens to be.

  6. They don't hate Americans just the government and the awful "culture".

  7. British people don't hate individual Americans - but the sort of bigot that flourishes in the US would find few friends among decent people here - nor will you find that your current government has any friends at all outside our hired and much-hated political class.

    If you're an opponent of Bush and bigotry, you will find many kindred spirits here - plus I think you will feel relieved to be in a country where healthcare is free!

  8. yes i would definitely welcome you into Britain, I have never ever met anybody from the USA and it would be a pleasure LOL

    trust me, I think you would be fine and make many friends

  9. Come on over, you will be welcome here. If you mean you think we hate the americans because of what you have seen on here, forget that. Dont forget this is a soap box for people venting their spleen, its not a true account of how we behave as a nation.

  10. They would be simply mad about you!  Simply mad!

  11. lots of English people love Americans as they are warm and friendly, you may be shocked about the high cost of everything though, and you wont be able to access the N.H.S. except for emergencies, you'd probably get on fine, just don't boast about how great the U.S.A. is...boy does that annoy people.

  12. As welcome as the devil at a christening.

    You have posted this question in the wrong category.You would get a a bigger and maybe,a better response if you placed it in "Society and Culture"

  13. Possibly,we don't have many problems with individuals,just the loud,arrogant,we are the best type,who tend to rub us the wrong way.

  14. We are an island and if you work hard you will be welcomed as we are a very multi-cultural society. Pack your bags!

  15. When I've visited the United Kingdom in the past, everyone has always been very friendly and helpful--if not a little over bearing at times.  For instance, I once was warned against putting ice in a soda by a London bar tender as well as being lectured on the same by all the patrons in the  pub. While watching the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, a middle-aged Scottish woman with whom I had been visiting was visibly incensed when Mexican tourists stepped in front of "one of our own."  So much for the myth of the aloof and very proper Brit.

    Since I have had ESL (English as a Second Language) training and hold a Ph. D. in English literature as well as a secondary teaching certificate, I've thought about using my expertise to finance my stay in the UK (not that the Brits want their teens to talk like Texans), so  I personally approve of your plan.

    Good luck!

  16. Of course you would be welcome...British people definitely don't hate Americans...They like them...It's a free country...No will bother you.  Do it...

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