
Would I benefit from a low dose ritalin?

by Guest32743  |  earlier

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I have OCD and apparently i'm 'gifted'. I scored in the top 1% of intelligence or whatever in my IQ test but I don't do well at school because I cannot concentrate because my thoughts go round and round and there are hundereds of them and its like I have 100 tvs going full blast in my head and my doctor said Ritalin helps everyone concentrate, and I cant physically concentrate because im too busy being OCD, and he mentioned I might benefit from it, well, would I? Would they let me have a trial run for about a week of adderall or something?




  1. I don't know, Lola, would you?   Entirely too much Ritalin and other drug worship going on right now, including the subject being chronicled on the Simpsons and South Park more than once.  My  instinct and experience with Ritalin and nearby amphetamine cousins say get a second opinion first of all even though I was rated as a 2% IQ topper in my day.  Take it from a lesser but more experienced intellect and former "cook" that you need to seriously investigate before making a committment.

  2. This is a very tough question. You're really gonna need a psychological evaluation to sort out what is going on, but here are some thoughts for you to discuss with your doctor...

    Underperformance due to poor concentration is most likely ADHD or Bipolar disorder. ADHD is typically isolated to cognitive functions (i.e. intellectual functioning) and is usually characterized by impulisivity and poor concentration. Bipolar disorder can effect cognitive functioning (poor concentration, racing thoughts) but also effect other areas of functioning such as emtional functioning (irritability, depression) and physical functioning (decreased sleep, increased physical activity).

    The description of "my thoughts go round and round and there are hundreds of them" sounds much more like Bipolar than ADHD, but it would be impossible to tell without a face to face evaluation.

    One other thing you need to know. Stimulants like Ritalin may improve ADHD symptoms but will make both OCD and Bipolar disorder much worse. I'd really suggest a thorough psychological eval and close observation to make sure you're OK.

  3. OK, sweetheart, brace yourself. Being in the top 1% means NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. I'm not being mean, I'm in the top1% too. It means 1 in a hundred. Even 1/1000 isn't so hot. There are over 6 billon people on the planet. To even register a blip, one must be 1/ 10,000.

    About OCD. Quit being so quick to label yourself.  Those docs are just out to make money. Try yoga, meditation, long hot baths. Try some relaxing techniques.

    You are in your teens, and school is not the be all end all in life. You can always pick up school again later, when you feel more focused.

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