
Would I face any issues when I withdraw money in Europe from a US checking account?

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I have a checking account in the US. When I travel to Europe, would I face any issues with withdrawing cash with my debit card? Will there be any safety issues and also can I use my debit card in shops? I've heard that Europe uses a different system when it comes to their debit card encryption or something. Any ideas?




  1. I've never had any problems taking money out of an ATM or anything like that.  You'll be fine...

  2. Great information from all the answerers but I will just add that you can use your Visa or Mastercard in most shops in Italy and the exchange rate is favorable so it is a convenient  and practical way to purchase items or food.

  3. as others have already said, you should have no problem

    however, it might be wise to tell your bank that you're travelling overseas ... my son went to Spain recently and when he went to use his debit card it wouldn't let him withdraw cash ... he says it's part of the bank security against fraud (stolen or cloned cards) ... if you're in an unusual place they might block the card for safety ... so maybe you want to inform the bank before you go so that they don't get worried

  4. You should not have a problem using your debit card to withdraw cash from your checking account or making purchases in shops.  I travelled to Greece last year, and withdrew cash and purchased gifts at the Hard Rock Cafe there.  One thing I must warn you about.  You will need to check with your bank to find out what they will charge you for doing certain transactions.  The fees can sometimes double when you're out of the country.  Also, what that bank in that country would charge you.  Your bank should be able to give you information on which banks you can use that will allow your transactions free of cost.  Have fun!

  5. As others said, notify your bank before you leave that you will be using the card in Europe.  The other things are, be aware of your surroundings when you withdraw, and withdraw less times by taking larger amounts, since your bank will charge a flat transaction fee each time as well as exchange rates.

  6. No, you won't have a problem with your ATM card here as long as you're on any of the major international circuits. I use both my US ATM card and Italian Bancomat card in the same machines here with no problem even though they have a different number of digits in the password. Bancomats (ATMs) are widely available here - there are at least 30 within easy walking distance of my house and this isn't a large city. You may not be able to use it directly in all stores though.

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