
Would I fit in Venezuela with my look? I want to go there, what race would I look like to people there?

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  1. are you Colombian ????

  2. Well, I'm Venezuelan and I definately look white. So do a lot of my friends....just white but a bit more...hispanic. Slightly.

    Anyway, yea, you'll fit in. There's just a large variety. You look like you could be a "gringa" but also una venezolana.

  3. hey te pareces a Selena!  Why are you trying to look like a Venezuela?  Latino is a culture not a race between white/black - Latinos are multicultural/multirace... Buena suerte!

  4. You look a bit more Colombian than Venezuelan to me, but you could definitely pass for a latina. Most people would just assume you are a latina because you don't look like a gringa. You look a lot like America Ferrera.

  5. Sure, you can pass for Venezuelan. We come in all shapes and colors. What might give you away will be the accent but you'll fit in perfectly with your appearance. You remind me of my sister in law a few years ago.

  6. Oh you look pretty Venezuelan to me hahaha... wait till you tan.

    You'll love it there.

  7. to me you look like you could be either latina or a biracial, or multiracial descent.

    but, even if you are venezualan, or hispanic, as soon as you step foot in a foreign country, regardless of if you are the same race or ethnicity as them, the simple fact that you were raised in a different country, (Especially america) makes you stick out like a sore thumb . They can just tell.

    its the way we carry ourselves....

  8. You look like a Venezuolana (sp?). They would probably guess that you were not from there by the way you dress and when you talked they would definitely know you're American. There are all types there though... and for some reason, being lighter was considered pretty? Not sure why, considering a lot of people pay tons of money to tan in the US. While I was living there, most people had no idea I was an American unless I told them. And you'll love the people there, if your spanish isn't so great they won't hesitate to teach you. They're so much nicer than Americans, so ready to talk to you and invite you to their houses and parties. I miss it there, if it weren't for the political probs I would still be there.

  9. Are you Venezuelain? you're a Latina, you'll fit in anywhere in Central or South America. You'll like Colombia better then Venezuela though.

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