
Would I get arrested if I prank called the Pet Emergency Line by asking......?

by  |  earlier

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...A question related to beastiality? Would the track me down and arested me? Or not?




  1. As a general rule, if you have to ask other people's opinion whether something you are going to do might get you arested, it's probably something you shouldn't be doing!

    Note: they might have the capibility of tracking where the phone calls originate, I don't know for certain.

    As for what they might do to you if caught, I don't know, but I think a good tarring and feathering would be in order.

  2. only if the call was to Hillary Clinton - what a hairy dog. Wuf

  3. prob not...  but it would be stupid


  4. if they do track you down then you might just get a ticket but probably not arrested.

  5. Probably not, but then again the have the tools to do that, so I wouldn't risk it.

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