
Would I get in trouble for this at school?

by Guest33160  |  earlier

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Ok me and a group of people at science had to make an ecosystem with water snails and some water plant and they would support each other and stuff.

It died, and a friend of mine had to take the dead thing home because my science teacher is weird.

So he told me to put it on top of this locker for a sec, (the top of the INSIDE) and I did.

We just left it there.

For the Summer.

Would I get in trouble?




  1. No, its just janitors that clean out the lockers an they just take everything an throw it in the trash so your not gonna be in trouble...

  2. If you did it on purpose, yes.  But usually the faculty or staff will clear all the lockers at the end of the year, just to be sure nothing like a snail or sandwich or something else that could decompose and cause mold or bacteria isn't left all summer, so they probably found it and cleared it out.

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