
Would I get struck by lightning if I was walking home holding an umbrella?

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Would I get struck by lightning if I was walking home holding an umbrella?




  1. Well maybe yes or maybe no, but it will definately increase your chance of it. Even if an umbrella doesn't have a metal tip, it probably still has a metal rod inside of it, plus an umbrella adds to your height, and lightning usually strikes the tallest object around.

  2. OMG, heak yea!!!!! My grandma was holding an umbrealla when it was raining and strucking lighting, and she almost got killed, luckily she threw the umbrella down. O_O

  3. It depends on the type of umbrella you have.

    If you have a metal tip on the top of your umbrella, you will have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than a plastic umbrella. Because metal attracts and conducts lightning.

  4. You have about a 88 percent chance if the umbrella is the highest part of the ground.....but if you are surrounded by similar taller objects, you have about a 44 to 66 percent chance of being struck because of the metal in the umbrella acting like a lightning rod.

    Yes, you will be struck....because you will get hit by the shock of the flash as it hits metal and goes directly to your body...and then you will be knocked out cold by the superheated air and the shock wave created by the lightning, which could blast your eardrums into permanent hearing loss.

    Therefore, it is best to not hold your umbrella whenever there is lightning nearby, even in a heavy rain.

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