
Would I have Mexican Heritage?

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I am of Navajo descent and my ancestors lived in the lands controlled by Mexico, I was told that the Navajos and other tribes were considered Mexican by Mexico for the time, so doesn't that mean I have Mexican Heritage?




  1. If you're Navajo, it means you are Navajo and have Navajo heritage!!!

    "Mexico" is a term used to describe a nation and its national boundaries (according to its historico-temporal extents). "Mexican" is a term that refers to people/culture of the aforementioned region, et al.

    If one is a Zapotec (for example) in Mexico, he/she is certainly Mexican but also Zapotec (in fact the tribal identity I feel certain would precede the national identity).

    The Navajo who lived during the time that "Mexico" would have extended over their traditional lands would have been "Mexican" and Navajo. But NOW the traditional lands of the Navajo are in the United States so you are a Native AMERICAN, not a Native MEXICAN.

  2. I am going to disagree with your conclusion, Maverick.

    If Navajos lived in areas under Mexican jurisdiction, they may be found in Mexican records.  You might extend that to the idea that they were citizens of Mexico.  

    BUT>> if your ancestor was SOLELY of Navajo ancestry, then living on Mexican territory alone, would not (in my opinion) make them of Mexican heritage (ancestry).  That would be distinct from a person whose ancestry in Mexico is more of Spanish (and perhaps other tribes native only to Mexico itself) background.  

    If your Navajo ancestor intermarried with someone of non Navajo, but Mexican ancestry, then I'd say you have both.

    It is hard at times to define the line between "nationality" or ancestry.  An analogy.. a person of Asian ancestry can be born in the US, which means that they have American (US) citizenship (also known as nationality).  They still have Asian heritage, as to the origin of their ancestors.

  3. it is possible. If you really want to know you could try making a family tree by doing some research or go to that may help. Good luck.

  4. You are confusing ethnicity with heritage.

    If your ancestors had little or nothing to do with Mexican culture, where they lived, then they would have little or no Mexican heritage.

    If your ancestors had Hispanic or Mestizo blood, then you could be said to have some Mexican ethnicity.

    Of course, nationality is something else, entirely.  If your ancestors were IN Mexico at the time they lived, then their nationality would have been Mexican.  If you are a citizen of the United States, THAT would be your nationality.

    Do you understand the difference?

  5. yes.

  6. no, you have not Mexican heritage, as indeed the Navajo territory was Mexico at one time, they still keep Navajo blood and heritage, because they were a isolated and unique tribe.

    mexicans by territory, not by heritage, and only for a few years.


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