
Would I look OK without bangs? **PIC**?

by  |  earlier

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Hey! My bangs have grown over the summer but before my back to school haircut I an trying to decide if I should have them cut again like the pic or would my face look better without the bangs? Thanks!




  1. Yeah.

    You look like barbie. lol

  2. You look HOT with bangs and i'm sure you do without 'em but I say leave 'em the way they are. (From a dude's point of view).

  3. I think you look pretty with bangs.  

  4. I vote that you keep the bangs.  


  5. Okay i had the same problem so i decided to get rid of my bangs well grow them out and i looked a lot better :) ( by the way i have that shirt )

  6. i like the bangs though

    help me?;... thanks have a good day!

  7. you look really pretty with bangs, i say get them again.

  8. wow you have gorgeous eyes i think you should keep the bangs but put you hair your in a pony tail or put a head band for an accessory =^..^=

  9. Yeah, they're really nice on you :).

  10. wht tha h**l are bangs?!

  11. Bang deffinetly look great with your face! The style and cut make them perfect.  If you dont want bangs I'm sure you'd look great as well - you might want to get a different style then too but i vote to keep them :)

  12. You wouldn't look bad, but the bangs really work with your face

  13. You look great with bangs, you should get them again.

  14. you look great with or without bangs. but your hair looks kind of unhealthy i suppose you use Aussie's three minute miracle conditioner.  It works great you can see the results the next day. the hair is alot easier to work with in the morning. hope i helped.

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