
Would I look alright in a fingertip veil and a fascinator?

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I see people wear birdcage veils with fascinators all the time but I am talking about a single tiered fingertip length veil. What I was picturing was wearing my hair in a low chignon with the veil placed just on top of that and a smaller sized fascinator off the side where the veil starts. However I keep hearing that it is one or the other, and I really haven't seen a photo of what I am picturing. I know I can do whatever I want, but I don't want to do this if I am going to look silly.




  1. Your dress is stunningly beautiful, and so is your idea of a veil and fascinator.  To make it look right, though, you are going to have to spend some time working at it.  Purchase some inexpensive netting and one of the fascinators you have pictured, or make a similar one.  Take it to your hair stylist and experiment.  You might get some of your questions answered just by seeing what works and what doesn't.  You have a very unique and beautiful idea going.  You don't want to ruin it with the wrong headpiece.  Investing time at the hair salon will be well spent.  Take a camera with you if you to take photos of hair possibilities in case you can't decide right then.   Bring a picture of your dress along, too.

  2. I'd see if you can try a veil w/the 2nd fascinator.  I think its really pretty and may look nice w/ a veil and your dress.  

  3. Your dress is gorgeous! The gown paired with the second fascinator would give you a 40s glam look, which is simply stunning.

  4. I think you have a great idea.  Go for both the veil and fascinator with the hair style you described.  Love the dress - the overall finished product should be fabulous.

  5. OMG! so classic! you have it made girl!!!

    (personally, i like the second one... (:  )

  6. Put your veil under your chignon, and the fascinator, just above the chignon. The dress is beautiful, And I like the idea of the veil and fascinator together, only not on the side. It might look off balance.  In other words your chignon will be up a little higher .

  7. I think that it will look great! You will prob remove the veil at the reception and this way you still have your stunning fascinator!

  8. I think that would look beautiful - but the only way to know is to try it on. Maybe you could take your dress to the bridal shop and have them play with different veils and fascinators.

    I love your dress by the way! It's gorgeous!

  9. I think that, that will be very stylish. Sophisticated! And appropriate with that type gown.  Simply beautiful!   Congratulations!    

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