
Would I look good with this eyebrow peircing? (picture)

by  |  earlier

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Would this look good? I would want them to be little rhinestones, not black or anything. But just the peircing itself-- Does it look okay on my face or.. idk. Thanks





  1. Did you DRAW dots on your face? If so then NO, i dont think it would be attractive at all. I would opt for a nose ring instead.

  2. is pretty and it looks good... but maybe from far away it would look like pecs and it wouldnt be that goodirecomment to keep the piercing but change the color of it

  3. Not to be mean or anything, but i don't personally think so... and plus, still not to bee mean, you would look wayyyyyyyyyyy to girly with it. sorry but some people look good with them and some people don't... :(

  4. I think it looks quite nice :)

  5. i like eyebrow piercings on some girls...i think a hoop would look better on you

  6. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Piercing makes you look cheap.

  7. you are a very pretty girl

    why mess up your your face with pircing

  8. nahhhh

  9. NO.  plain and simple, NO!!!!!!/

  10. Don't do it!

  11. I looks like you already have one hah. I say if you want it go for it, but make sure its really what you want because you can't just take it out a day later.

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