
Would I look ridiculous using heelys?

by  |  earlier

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okay I need a better way of transportation to get to work. i can walk there just fine but it is more time consuming.

so anyway i bought a pair from work so that i could use them to get from home to work. but my question is, would I look ridiculous using them?(im 19 and cant drive for personal reasons). id use them STRICTLY for getting to work faster.




  1. no if you think they look ok dont worry about what other people think

  2. Hey if your willing to "get nasty in public" then why not...if it's going to make your life easier then whatever :D

  3. lol, I wouldn't wear them, but hey if you're comfortable doing it, by all means go for it.

  4. i dont rather ride a bike i think, because id feel douchey

  5. idk...itz fun........that's all i know..........

  6. what are heelys

  7. they don't make those in adult sizes, do they?

  8. Yes, those shoes are for kids..

  9. its alright I guesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...

  10. To be honest...anyone over the age of 8 would look pretty silly in heelys.

    May I suggest one of those collapsable scooter thingys?  Or a good old fashioned bicycle. If anyone's your personal choice to help save the planet or get in shape, blah blah blah.


  11. haha dude go for it!

  12. Haha, I pogo sticked to work one day...

    And I work at Experian (one of the major Credit Reporting Agencies).  

    The parking lot guard was all, "WTF?"

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