
Would I make good money from these inventions?

by Guest44731  |  earlier

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I came up with the idea of double-sided toilet paper. Will save money because you can turn it around and use it again.

I also have a few other options too. Electric toilet paper - compliments your electric toothbrush and shaver.

Precision toilet paper - when accuracy is of utmost importance.

Extendable toilet paper - for those hard to reach places.

Everlasting toilet paper - comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Waterproof toilet paper - when you're camping and the weather turns nasty. Also good for divers.

Self-cleaning toilet paper - comes with beautifully illustrated and detailed instruction booklet.

Self-adhesive toilet paper - area prepping not needed.

Industrial toilet paper - for those heavy weight jobs.

Compact toilet paper - small, lightweight and easy to pop into your pocket or handbag.

Foolproof toilet paper - will only allow you to wipe from front to back.

Ultra mild toilet paper - when you don't actually need toilet paper at all.

There are more, but I don't want to give too much away just yet.

So any information and advice would be appreciated. I'm hoping to have a couple of the range avaliable by the beginning of next year.





  1. your category is too narrow.  you will fail miserably because it seems like all you care about is the $$$.  you need passion and drive to successfully run a business.  

  2. I think you might do better trying to come up with an invention in some area other than t.p.

  3. I would buy all of your waterproof toilet paper.  I go hiking a lot and never know when nature will call.  You will make millions!

  4. Tell ya what, sonny - I'll give you an idea, on the house - that'll sell millions:

    Kiddie-Wipe: toilet paper for toilet training toddlers. It auto-wipes them whenever they use the potty.

    Work on it! Mums everywhere will thank you.

  5. Thomas Edison would stand in awe of you!

  6. Your freaking nuts and you need to take a break from tp!

  7. I hope you have a patent for these ideas, as someone might steal them.

  8. Don't give up your day job!

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