
Would I need to get back on clomid even if I've had my menses on its own?

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My husband and I had been ttc for 3 yrs now. I had trouble getting my menses every month. So last month I set up an appointment with my Dr. so see whats going on with me. He prescribed me Provera to get my menses started,and Clomid mature my eggs more. My Dr. told me to take Clomid on days 5-9 off bleeding and have blood work done on day 10. I did all that and no luck of a baby. A month passed and I'm on my menses with no help of meds. My question is would I have to start cycle 2 of Clomid to try to get me pregnant? Or would anyone have suggestions?




  1. The reason you got your period this month without provera is thanks to the clomid.  See, clomid is supposed to make you ovulate.  If you ovulate, and don't conceive, then you have to get a period.. So, just because you got your period this time doesnt mean you shouldnt do clomid.  Clomid helps you develop eggs.. it cant hurt.  I suggest taking clomid again!

  2. Sounds like the Provera did a good job of jump-starting your cycles, and the fact that you did the CD5-9 cycle suggests that you're ovulating, but that you could benefit from a stronger ovulation. If you got your period naturally this time, you do not need to take the Clomid, but here's what you should bear in mind. First, it often takes a few months for the body's reaction to Clomid to work through to a point where the eggs are great. Also, only 1 in 4 of your eggs are chromosomally viable (that's the highest number they'll be; it could be less) and Clomid reduces that rate so you have better odds. So stopping the pills is your choice, but statistically your odds of pregnancy will go down.

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