
Would Ian Thorpe stand a chance against Michael Phelps if he had competed at the 2008 Olympics?

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If Thorpe hadn't retired, would Phelps stand a chance against him at the 2008 Olympics? Would Phelps still get all 8 gold medals if Thorpe hadn't retired?

What do you guys think?




  1. He would definitely have stood a chance. Thorpe has already beaten Phelps in the past. Phelps is human, and therefore beatable. Where I really foresee an upset would have been in the relays. Australia is always good and adding Thorpe to a relay team would have increased their chances even more. Remember, Thorpe has 5 gold medals in swimming. Phelps has the advantage right now of being more motivated and challenged, the competitive edge. Thorpe retired because, as he said, he had the world records, the world championship titles and the gold medals, what was left? I was really looking forward to their rematch in these Olympics and was disappointed Thorpe retired.  

  2. nope

  3. Ian Thorpe is the "Torpedo" in the water! There is now way Michael Phelps would have won all those medals if the Torpedo was around!! He beat him before and can do it again!!

  4. Watch Michael Phelps videos at Beijing 2008 Olympic swimming finals below

    Complete collection of 8 Gold Medals Videos

  5. Thorpe looked like such a very little, little man when they showed him after Phelps got to #8.

  6. phelps wouldnt have all 8 gold medals

  7. Thorpe would beat him in the 400 meter freestyle. The 200 freestyle could  go either way. Phelps best time is 1.4296 and Thorpe's was 1.4406. But Phelps had the advantage of the high tech suit,the advantage of the more favorable designed pools in this year's Olympics-the drag from the swimmers in closest lanes has been reduced,and the improvements he made in weight training and perfecting his turn-around. But Thorpe would have improved also. I would give the edge to Phelps,but Thorpe could have done it.

  8. No, Phelps would beat Thorpe by a whole arm's length.  

  9. i don't know , michael phelps is really really good.

  10. In the freestyle, yes.

  11. In any case, Ian Thorpe must give Michael Phelps props for proving him wrong.  Thorpe had earlier stated that Michael Phelps couldn't win the 8 gold medals at the 2008 Olympics.  

    Perhaps he should apologize to Phelps too.

  12. i believe with any will and power a swimmer has, anyone has the possibility to beat Phelps.

  13. dificult to tell - 4 years is a long time in sport - better sports science, better suits, improved techniques, better drugs ........

  14. I'm Aussie soo...

    I thin that Thorpe would have one a few. He's bet Phelps before.

  15. It would have been a good race in the individual events, Thorpie at his best I think had a chance at winning. Thorpie I think would have made a huge difference in relays. So therefore I think phelps would have swapped 1 or 2 golds for silver.

  16. nah.

  17. Nup, I don't think so.. I wouldn't be surprised if Phelps was discovered a drug cheat.

  18. It would be close, thropes event was the 400m, phelps didnt contest that ,

    thorpe was also good at the 200, but his best time was 1.44, phelps smashed that and is 1.42 .

  19. Yes Thorpey would stand a chance.

    Don't think he would win but he would have a chance.

  20. I think that he would have given Thorpie a run for his money visa versa. I don't think that Phelps wold have got all eight. Prob. maybe 5? I have no idea but defiantly it would have been cool to watch.

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